Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
The IBO’s goal: to provide students with the values and opportunities that will enable them to develop sound judgment, make wise choices, respect others in the global community © IBO 2004
The Diploma Programme equips students with the skills and attitudes necessary for success in higher education and employment Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
What makes the Diploma Programme different? u comprehensive international curriculum u international standards, applied equally to all schools u rigorous assessment Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
What makes the Diploma Programme different? u combines breadth with depth u emphasizes critical, compassionate thinking u promotes global vision Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
International 3,055 Diploma Programme schools in 139 countries (June 2010) 863,000 diploma candidates examined in 2010 Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
Universities IB diploma holders have access to the world’s leading universities are well prepared for university work Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
Schools offering the IB Diploma Programme Nearly evenly divided: state, national system schools private schools Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
second language Diploma Programme group 2 u a requirement for all diploma candidates (or second A1 language) u aims to enable students to use the language in a range of contexts, for many purposes u focuses on written and spoken communication Arts and Electives Language A1 Experimental sciences Second Language Individuals and societies Mathematics arts and electives language A1 experimental sciences second language individuals and societies mathematics group 6 experimental sciences The six academic subjects Theory of Knowledge the arts group 1 language A1 extended essay group 3 group 5 group 2 second language creativity, action, service individuals and societies mathematics group 4 © IBO 2004
second language Several options accommodate: Diploma Programme group 2 u near bilingual students, high level of fluency u second language learners with previous experience u beginners u classical Greek and Latin Language A1 Experimental sciences Second Language Individuals and societies Mathematics group 6 experimental sciences The six academic subjects Theory of Knowledge the arts group 1 language A1 extended essay group 3 group 5 group 2 second language creativity, action, service individuals and societies mathematics group 4 © IBO 2004
Diploma Programme Assessing student work Classroom teachers and IB examiners work in partnership to ensure that students have ample opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned © IBO 2004
Academic judgments about quality of student work rest with over 5,400 IB examiners worldwide Chief examiners for each subject have international authority in their fields Diploma Programme Examiners © IBO 2004
How are you graded? A series of four readings and questions (text A – D) Two essays :100 words and 250 words- standard level; 400 words – higher minute oral interview
How are you graded? IB Rubrics IB Grading Scale Internal Assessments – written and oral External Assessment
Diploma Programme Examinations, assessment examinations offered in May for northern hemisphere schools, in November for the southern hemisphere © IBO 2004
A letter from one student, who did not receive a diploma, to another: “The tangible reward of getting the IB diploma was something to strive for but...The IB programme did us all good through less tangible, more abstract ways... It wasn't just an education of the mind, but also an education and deepening of the soul.” © IBO 2004
Some 80% of candidates who attempt the diploma succeed in earning it © IBO 2004
Ne paniquez pas!!! rS1-E&feature=relatedhttp:// rS1-E&feature=related mUOjE UgQ&feature=related UgQ&feature=related J8oM&feature=fvw rS1-E&feature=relatedhttp:// rS1-E&feature=related mUOjE UgQ&feature=related UgQ&feature=related J8oM&feature=fvw
Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
© IBO June 2004 Thank you to the following schools for supplying photos: Frankfurt International School, Germany International School of Tanganyika, Tanzania St Clare’s College, Oxford, UK International School Bangkok, Thailand Designer: Mary Tiegreen Produced by The International Baccalaureate Organization, Geneva, Switzerland © IBO 2004