INTUNE Is EU citizenship emerging and what are its effects on national citizenship ? The building block questions: 1.How does a particular kind of political structuring shape citizenship? In a complex system, how do different identities coexist? 2.What sense of obligation is the EU citizenship developing? How do coexisting identities affect the relationship between elites and mass? 3.What are the citizens’ expectations from the EU as a level of government? Project coordinator: Maurizio COTTA
Why this reasearch? 1.More attention has been given to the dynamics and effects of integration on domestic policy than to the consequences of European integration for citizenship and its dimensions of collective identity, political membership and standards of governance. 2.Political representation is seen as the crucial conduit through which demands are put forward to the political systems and legitimacy is granted. How is the EU government legitimized? 3.How to reconciliate functional and political representation in the EU and what impact they both have on citizenship is not clear yet. 4.To point to ways through which a process to actively include citizens in the process of “Europe-building” can develop. 5.To create a baseline measure for future generations of scholars interested in assessing the extent to which ‘European’ citizenship has developed since the beginning of the 21 st century, and a reference tool for policy-makers and civil society organizations. 6.Encountering the expectations that practitioners might have, to produce usable knowledge by exploring the ‘scope conditions’ under which participatory governance produces better policies.
Empirical data-gathering techniques to perform the objectives within each research area Identity (Who are we?) Representation (Who decides?) Scope of Governance (How and What is to be decided?) Political elites Surveys, interviews Content analysis (Official records, Party manifestos) Network analysis Focus groups Roll-call Surveys, interviews Content analysis (Official records, Party manifestos) Network analysis Surveys, interviews Content analysis (Official records, Party manifestos) Network analysis Focus groups ExpertsSee above See above + [Analysis of decision- making processes (case studies)] See above Mass Media Content analysis and discourse analysis Citizens Survey Focus groups Survey
Issue AreaElected Representatives ExpertsMass MediaMass Opinion Identity Coordination Working groups Working groups Working groups Working groups Representation Coordination Scope of Governance Coordination Consortium – Structure of Coordination