1 Brussels 01/10/2010 EAST-Invest / SME Facility TAM/BAS
2 EAST-Invest Project description: develop a networking mechanism to promote links and exchanges between EU MS and EaP countries, but also between EaP countries. Budget: MEUR % co-financing Implementation period: 36 months Direct beneficiaries: SMSs and SMEs Business Facilitators from EaP Beneficiary countries: 6 Eastern Partnership countries = Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia
3 Eastern Partners Countries Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia
4 Specific objectives Strengthening public-private dialogue - networking mechanisms: one business networks – EURO-Net and EAST- Net Strengthening public-private dialogue - networking mechanisms: one business networks – EURO-Net and EAST- Net Facilitating exchange of best-practices and establish interconnections between EU and Eastern Neighbourhood SMEs Facilitating exchange of best-practices and establish interconnections between EU and Eastern Neighbourhood SMEs Developing the capacity of Eastern Neighbourhood SMEs support organisations to facilitate improved SMEs networking and trade development Developing the capacity of Eastern Neighbourhood SMEs support organisations to facilitate improved SMEs networking and trade development
5 Types of activities 1. SME-TECH: SME Technical Assistance Facility 2. TRADE-TECH: Trade Fair Technical Assistance Facility; 3. EAST-MATCH: SME Business-to-Business Facility 4. BUS-TECH: Business Facilitator (Operator) Technical Assistance Facility 5. ORG-EXCHANGE: Institutional Exchange Facility SME-SEARCH Facility
6 SME-TECH: SME Technical Assistance Facility Objectives: To provide to SMEs from the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries technical assistance, including capacity building and individual consultancy to enhance their capacities for networking and establishing business links with EU SMEs; SME-TECH can include actions in two main fields: technical assistance, including capacity building and individual consultancy on customs regulations, market conditions but also on topics directly related to internationalisation of SMEs
7 TRADE-TECH: Trade Fair Technical Assistance Facility Objectives: To stimulate initial contact between SMEs from EU and the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries, identifying business opportunities and market potential and encouraging the SME participation in International / regional trade fairs. TRADE-TECH activity consists in guided visits to international or regional trade fairs which are recognised as relevant to the targeted sectors. Business services and pedagogical services should be combined in the same action.
8 EAST-MATCH: Business-to-Business Facility Objectives: To provide European and Eastern Neighbourhood Country SMEs with the appropriate environment for business meetings, accelerating their internationalisation in commerce, technology, etc. Instruments: Business meetings, including business-to-business, pre- arranged meetings, (B2B) and follow-up meetings; Technical seminars; Technical visits.
9 BUS-TECH: Business Facilitator (Operator) Technical Assistance Facility Objectives: Train associations representing the private sector in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries (member operators of EAST-NET) with the experience and good practice available in umbrella (partner) organisations, preferably from EU Themes: Topics of interest on management and institutional strengthening of participating institutions, experiences, good practices, etc. Areas that directly impact on the services provided by institutions to their members (internationalisation, training, lobbying etc.).
10 ORG-EXCHANGE: Institutional Exchange Facility Objective: To improve the reciprocal knowledge of participating operators, from any participating countries within EAST-INVEST, with a view to sharing work methods and therefore contributing to a lasting and effective collaboration. Type of actions: The central element of the ORG-EXCHANGE instrument is the study trip to an EURONET country and an EAST-NET country to experience and learn the day-to-day work of a similar organisation: An executive of an EAST-NET institution visits one or more organisations in the EU and vice-versa.
11 SMEs-Search Facility SME-SEARCH: a partner-search facility – will consist in data base for partner search This facility will be supported by a dedicated website, which will be developed by the project and will be used for information and support for all other activities of the project.
12 TAM/BAS Project Description: specialized technical assistance for selected SMEs from EaP Countries Budget: 10 MEUR for the period Implementation period: 24 months Direct beneficiaries: Small and Medium Size Enterprises Beneficiary countries: 6 Eastern Partnership countries = Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia
13 Main activities The TAM and BAS Programmes are complementary schemes aimed at helping enterprises adapt to the demands of a liberal market economy, supporting SME capacity for innovation, and striving to develop local SMEs as well as business advisory services sectors. TAM has a broad approach focusing on substantial managerial and structural changes within companies and are implemented over a period of 18 months BAS supports more narrowly defined projects with a rapid payback and last about 4 months
14 enhanced competitiveness and expansion of markets (increased sales, productivity and exports, new production line/technology, changes in product ranges and production processes); enhanced competitiveness and expansion of markets (increased sales, productivity and exports, new production line/technology, changes in product ranges and production processes); improved management effectiveness and skills (new organisational structure, best practices in corporate governance); improved management effectiveness and skills (new organisational structure, best practices in corporate governance); improved strategic planning (improved financial management information and controls, new marketing strategy, new business/investment plan); improved strategic planning (improved financial management information and controls, new marketing strategy, new business/investment plan); reduced costs (labour productivity increases); reduced costs (labour productivity increases); enhanced quality management and certification (certification awarded, associated internal organisational improvement, compliance with EU regulations), enhanced quality management and certification (certification awarded, associated internal organisational improvement, compliance with EU regulations), improved environmental management (reduced emissions or energy consumption). improved environmental management (reduced emissions or energy consumption). Specific objectives of the project