LCLS Accelerator SLAC linac tunnel research yard Linac-0 L =6 m Linac-1 L 9 m rf 25° Linac-2 L 330 m rf 41° Linac-3 L 550 m rf 0° BC1 L 6 m R 56 39 mm BC2 L 22 m R 56 25 mm DL2 L =275 m R 56 0 DL1 L 12 m R 56 0 undulator L =130 m 6 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.05 % 135 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.10 % 250 MeV z 0.19 mm 1.6 % 4.30 GeV z mm 0.71 % 13.6 GeV z mm 0.01 % Linac-X L =0.6 m rf = 21-1 b,c,d...existing linac L0-a,b rfgun 21-3b24-6d X 25-1a30-8c Commission in Jan Commission in Jan. 2008
MMJJJJAASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ Drive-Laser Install Drive-Laser Commissioning Gun/Inj./BC1 Commissioning May2006 Gun/Inj./BC1 Install linac/BC2 Install First Spont. Light linac/BC2 Commissioning LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line LTU/undulator Commissioning LTU/und. Install AASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJ JJ FEL Comm. undulator hall ready First FEL Light
Q = 1 nC f = 120 Hz G = 120 MV/m x,y = 1 m t = 10 ps I = 100 A RF Photo-Cathode Gun
Slice emittance >1.8 m will not saturate courtesy S. Reiche P = P 0 N = 1.2 m P P 0 /100 N = 2.0 m electron beam must meet brightness requirements
Complete & Detailed Design (cathode to dump) BC2LTU undulator L3 L2 cathode Full MAD deck at:
after BC1 after X-RF after L1 after DL1 after BC2 after L3 at und. after L2 z = 830 m z = 190 m z = 23 m z = 190 m energy profile phase space time profile Bunch Compression Progression
Location of Main Linac Diagnostics 5+ energy spread meas. stations (optimized with small )...existing linac L0 rfgun L3L1 X L2 x,y EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE 5+ emittance meas. stations designed into optics ( x,y ) BPMs at or near most quadrupoles and in each bend syst. RF deflectors for slice and E measurements (L0 & L3) EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE T-cav. T-cav.
Slice-Emittance Measurement Simulation RF-deflector at 1 MV slice OTR 10 times y bunch length quad scanned 135 MeV
Slice-Emittance Measurement Simulation slice-5 Injector (135 MeV) with S-band RF-deflector at 1 MV = meas. sim. = calc. = y distribution = actual (same SLAC slice- code used at BNL/SDL) (slice- y -emittance also simulated in BC1-center) DL1 slice-emit on WS02
Transverse RF deflector RF Gun gun spectrometer YAG screen YAGscreen OTR screen & wire YAG screen YAG & OTR OTR screen & wire YAG screen main SLAC Linac Gun/Injector Diagnostics injector spectrometer trajectory (BPMs) emittance (+ slice) energy spread (+ slice) bunch length (+ dist.) charge (+ dark current)
Injector Through BC1 Commissioning x,y and slice EEEE EEEE RF deflector no laser-heater until 2007
Injector Through BC1 Commissioning (2) x,y EEEE E slice y stopper relative bunch length monitors X-band RF BC1
Linac-To-Undulator (LTU) 4 -wires, 6 collimators, 1 OTR energy centroid & spread meas. (OTR) (3 10 5 & 10 4 ) + collimation vertical bends vertical bend 4.7 mr horizontal jog 1.25 m energy diagnostics emit. diagnostics bunch length diag. collimators CSR cancellation branch points for future undulators spontaneous undulator possible vertical bend 4.7 mr horizontal jog 1.25 m energy diagnostics emit. diagnostics bunch length diag. collimators CSR cancellation branch points for future undulators spontaneous undulator possible
Enhanced CSR in BC1
Emittance of RF Photo-Cathode Gun Micro-Bunching Instability Bunch Length Monitors CSR in BC1 and BC2 Impedance in BC2 Vacuum Chambers Space-Charge Effects in BC1 Region Chromatic Correction for Highly Chirped Beams Improved LTU Lattice Undulator Wakefields FEL Commissioning and Tuning Start-to-end Simulations and Integration with LCLS Controls ESASE/Replicator Optical Klystron Gain Enhancement Seeded and Self-Seeded FEL for Next Phase of LCLS Development of an X-band Transverse RF Deflector Multi-bunch LCLS and Regenerative Amplifier FEL Harmonic Afterburner