KSU’s Climate Action Plan Submitted as part of the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) January, March, 2010
Climate Change GHGs include CO 2,CH 4, NO x, SO x expressed in terms of metric ton equivalents of CO 2
2005 & 2007 are tied the 3 rd greatest CO 2 increase since monitoring began in 1958
Carbon neutrality by 2030 (?)
What We'll need to do: - some capital-intensive initiatives e.g., LEED certified buildings, alternative energy
- & some Behavioral Changes
TRANSPORTATION Seek ways to reduce vehicle idling: a campus "No-Idle" Policy; finding off-campus parking sites; shuttle bus route
Encourage alternatives to single- occupancy vehicle commutes Incentives for alternate-fuel vehicles Promote Teleworking Promote the use of "Wimba" technology for teleconferencing
ENERGY CONSERVATION Continue looking at extending campus shut-downs (establish a Master Calendar to coordinate athletics & arts scheduling) Motion sensors for office, parking deck lights Thermostat settings: 68 0, 78 0
Energy audits & retro-commissioning of older buildings (stimulus funds awarded) Phantom Power Load: screen savers use energy and are not necessary Turn off computers, monitors, coffee makers, etc.
RECYCLING Watch for comingling of trash & recyclables Promote the use of paper with 30% or 50% recycled fiber Introduce a workable recycling system into residence halls
EDUCATION Sustainability Across the Curriculum "Why Recycle" course for staff & faculty
KSU GREEN POLICIES Energy Star Purchasing Policy (2008) Proposed No Idle & No Heater Policies Propose a policy of using Recyclables only at KSU-sponsored events
4% per annum growth model YearEnrolmentMTeCO
Building Space (in sqft) Projections from KSU Master Plan (years 2019 – 2023 based on a 4% growth model) YearSqFtBuilding Commons, Health Sci Lab. Science Add Ed. Classroom Business Add Residence F Phase II Residence G Phase III
Targeted % reduction in GHG due to instituting efficiency measures in older buildings (retro-commissioning, controls, lighting upgrades and controls, etc.) YearGHG Reduction Target % % % %
Targeted % reduction in GHG due to transportation improvements (e.g., increased carpooling, public transportation). YearGHG Reduction Target 20155% % %
Targeted % reduction in GHG due to behavioral changes (telework, thermostat changes, green IT, etc.). YearGHG Reduction Target 20125% % % % %
Carbon Credits: cost for 2030 = $1,371,030 $15/MTCO 2 )