De-coling units, protection film and control panels of machine
Roll forming of sheets of panels. There are 2 diffferent form, roof and secret fixing wall panels.
Roll forming of sheets of panels.
Mixer unit and control area of machine
Main control unit of the machine. Full PLC + scada controlled, Modified on 2013.
Laminator ( pressed owen ) area. Avarage speed is 4,5 m/ minute for 4 cm thickness or Polyurethane
Flying cutting saw. Controlled by central Area of the machine. Secondary Control screen of flying saw. All sizes can be entered mm.
Form of roof panels. We have 30 / 40/ 50 / 100 mm moulds for roof panels. We have 40 / 50 / 100 mm moulds for secret fixing wall panels.
Deck form of 38/151/906 Deck form of 27/200/1000 Trapesoidal deck roll forming machine. There are 2 form of rolls as given below. That machine also fully PLC controlled.