What Counts: Measuring Benefits of Early Intervention in Hawai`i Beppie Shapiro, University of Hawai`i
About Hawai`i About 17,000 births per year Over 7% of each birth cohort served in Part C No majority ethnicity 4.1 % of population are immigrants, primarily Asians and Pacific Islanders Geographic isolation Five main islands – different access to services
Special education in Hawai`i Part C under Department of Health Part B under Department of Education SEA = 1 LEA Part C services provided by 3 statewide “agencies” of DOH
Part C in Hawai`i, 2005 Broad eligibility Three agencies provide services statewide Since 2004: 3 assessment tools “licensed” for use as CDE – HDC, “Michigan”, and ASQ Recent development of statewide IFSP to be used by all programs No Part C database – 2 agencies have their own
Challenge # 1: Naming our Project Major confusion about IFSP “Outcomes” and measuring achievement of IFSP Outcomes vs. OSEP Outcomes 619 program chose not to request GSEG funding when Part C did “Measuring Benefits of Early Intervention for Children and Families”
Borrowing from ECO Center Child “Goals” = ECO “Outcomes” Family “Goals” slightly reworded from current draft of ECO “Outcomes” Indicators: Using ECO Center 5 categories vs. OSEP 3 a,b,c categories Child Summary Reporting Tool adapted from ECO Center Tool
Challenge # 2: Child Goal Measurement : How can we possibly do this? WHO: IFSP team HOW: all team members reach consensus on rating using Child Summary Reporting Form –Based on assessments, IFSP objectives met/unmet, parent and provider input WHEN: –Starting when child is at least 4 months old –At every IFSP: initial, review, annual –At end of IFSP meeting
Challenge # 3: Measurement Quality Assurance Are assessments of high quality? How reliable are assessments? Are crosswalks from “licensed” assessments an adequate basis for rating children on all 3 goals? Does every IFSP team have someone knowledgeable about typical child development? How reliable are summary form ratings?
Challenge # 4: how to get data to state level 2 very different data systems Neither is easy to modify NO data system for third agency “In challenge, seek opportunity”
“Phasing in” Measurement Pilot Initial Implementation in 3 communities, with every Part C program in the community participating Statewide 10/2006
Challenge # 5: Training Build on existing Part C training infrastructure Build in support, mentoring and feedback Take advantage of GSEG funding
Ideas to help us?