For learning and competence Cross-level and cross-thematic project cooperation on developing guidance and counselling services in Finland Mr Mika Launikari, Finnish National Board of Education Mr Mika Launikari IAEVG Conference 2006, Copenhagen August 2006
2 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people Development project ( ) funded under the EQUAL Community Initiative programme of the European Social Fund ESF Coordinator is the Finnish National Board of Education Partner organisations: Institute for Educational Research and Department of Teacher Education of University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä Vocational Institute, University of Joensuu (= 4 subprojects) Cooperation with the Career guidance development project of the Finnish National Board of Education, i.e. 13 regional projects European partners Denmark, Italy and Spain (=CHOICES): focus on culture- and gender-sensitive guidance and counselling ( )
3 For learning and competence CHANCES-project structure SpainDenmark
4 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people CHANCES-project aims at - DEVELOPING guidance and counselling services that are provided in multiprofessional and cross-sectoral cooperation and CREATING new tools to prevent social exclusion of young people from the labour market - INNOVATING new training models and good practices that can be applied nationally and internationally - PROMOTING understanding and recognition of indi- vidual needs for educational and vocational guidance and counselling from a gender- and culture-sensitive perspective
5 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people The subprojects of the CHANCES project are - Provision of guidance and counselling services in network and multiprofessional cooperation to support students at risk of social exclusion - Multiprofessional cooperation to support the integration of immigrants into working life - Developing career guidance of young people with special needs - Learning partnership in guidance and counselling processes and gender
6 For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people TARGET GROUPS are experts dealing with guidance and counselling within education, employment, social and health care sectors DEVELOPMENT MEASURES ARE TARGETED AT - young people outside of formal education systems and at risk of social exclusion - students with special needs - immigrants and ethnic minority groups
7 For learning and competence CHANCES project management POLITICAL RELEVANCE of the project at national and European level -> high expectations of stakeholders !! NO ”COOKBOOK APPROACH” -> large-scale, one-time, non- routine development project CLEAR VISION OF THE OVERALL PROJECT -> describe and agree on objectives, requirements, roles and responsibilities, results, scheduling, estimating cost and resources, risk & quality management, communication PROJECT AS A PROCESS -> modifications to specification of objectives, to allocation of human and financial resources, to definition of expected products, etc.
8 For learning and competence CHANCES project management OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT -> project is not executed in a vacuum, but in a turbulent environment of interacting people, interdependent institutions and complex development processes FORMALITY -> discipline in the form of written agree- ments, scheduled plans, formal meetings with proper documentation, formal decision making, reporting to authorities ANTICIPATION -> short-term and long-term planning (if X happens, we have three options Y, Z, W)
9 For learning and competence Multidisciplinary and multiprofessional team of experts, researchers and trainers COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS -> 5 partner institutions with different organisational culture and 20 project team members with different expertise and experiences COMMUNICATION -> to reach a mutual understanding of the project, to learn a common language, to balance between oral and written communication, to meet face- to-face at regular intervals for discussions & decisions INTERNAL EVALUATION (based on EFQM) -> further specifying the goals and results, identifying risks, determining quality aspects, strengthening team spirit
10 For learning and competence CHANCES Steering Group 30 MEMBERS representing employment, education, social and health care authorities, student unions, vocational education and higher education institutions ROLE OF THE GROUP is to decide on, monitor and evaluate the strategy and progress of the project SUPPORT to ensure that the project will deliver the intended results to satisfy target groups´ expectations NOT ONLY INTERESTED IN DELIVERY ”on time, in budget and to scope”, but in the SOCIETAL IMPACT
11 For learning and competence CHANCES products and services 5-6 PUBLICATIONS (incl. research reports, handbooks) FINAL SEMINAR ”CHANCES for the future – Young people and guidance”, Helsinki, 9-10 November 2006 (200 participants) SEVERAL TRAINING MODULES such as culture- and gender- sensitive guidance; young people´s lifemanagement and guidance; subject teachers/class teachers/ group advisers and guidance; developing guidance skills, etc. REGIONAL SEMINAR on supporting immigrants to working life in network-based guidance and counselling cooperation INTERNET-BASED TOOL for modelling network-based guidance and counselling cooperation
12 For learning and competence CHANCES products and services u NEW SPECIAL EDUCATION SYSTEM at Jyväskylä Vocational Institute u INDIVIDUAL CAREER PLANS for students with special needs u FLEXIBLE METHODS AND TOOLS for guidance and counselling of young people with special needs u NEW MODELS/PRACTICES to help young people enter labour market u SPECIAL MODELS AND METHODS for improved guidance on-the-job training periods u IMPROVED GUIDANCE SKILLS among staff in special education u SUPPORT MODELS, TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES for students with sign language in vocational education and training
13 For learning and competence PROMOTION DISSEMINATION AND MAINSTREAMING OF THE DEVELOPED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: - project partners and steering group members - what, how, to whom and when to promote? - does every product have future potential and capability of surviving once the project has been completed? - national and international levels
14 For learning and competence More information about CHANCES-project and CHOICES-cooperation: Mr Mika Launikari Project Coordinator Finnish National Board of Education P.O.Box 380 FIN Helsinki Tel GSM