Midterm Review Introduction to Family Studies FCST 200 Montclair State University
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Midterm Review 1. Families and Religion are ________ that are major spheres of social life with a set of beliefs and rules that are organized to meet human needs. A.social institutions B.social norms C.social rules D.social organizations Answer: A
6/2/2016 The Sociological Approach – The Macro Level Family sociologists examine how these social institutions interact and how they influence behaviors, attitudes, and opportunities in families Economy Families Government Education ReligionHealthcare
Midterm Review 2. While structural functionalist theory views society as a set of interacting parts, conflict theory focuses on A) socially constructed differences between men and women B) inequality between the “haves” and the “have nots” C) Weighing the costs and benefits in personal relationships D) None of the above Answer: B
Midterm Review 3. Give an example of a macro level study: A.Examining large scale changes such as the increase in married women’s employment rate in U.S. B.Comparing divorce rates in two countries: U.S. vs. Japan
Midterm Review 4. Briefly define and distinguish between the terms sex and gender Sex refers to the biological characteristics such as reproductive organs, sex chromosomes, hormones, that distinguish males and females Gender refers to the cultural or social characteristics that distinguish men and women
Midterm Review 5. What is the main argument of the social exchange perspective A. Humans are rational actors who seek to maximize their utility in exchanges They weigh the cost and benefits of exchanges in relationships Emphasis on efficiency
Midterm review 6. According to your textbook section on sex and adolescents, which group is the most likely to have had sexual intercourse by age 19? A) White females B) Latino males C) Black females D) Black males
Midterm Review 7. According to sociologists, race is defined as ___________ while ethnicity refers to_________________ Race: groups with a common set of physical features that distinguishes them from other groups, skin color eye shape Ethnicity: A population that shares a cultural heritage or common ancestry Ethnic groups have a sense of brotherhood or sisterhood maintained within the larger culture
Midterm Review 9. Briefly distinguish between the macro and micro levels of analysis in sociological inquiry Analysis at the macro level focuses on large- scale institutions, structures, and processes; comparisons between entire societies Analysis at the micro level examines interaction between individuals and small groups like families
Midterm Review 10. List two factors that have contributed to the postponement of marriage in the past two decades? Increase in women attending and graduating from college Increase in women’s labor force participation Rise in cohabitation Attitude change – cohabitation, being single or gay is more accepted
11. Which of the following statements about how families have changed over time is FALSE? A. While the power of marriage over people's lives has weakened, 90 percent of whites and 75 percent of African Americans will eventually marry. B. Images of the happy, nuclear family of the 1950s are largely myths. C. Families today are similar to families in the past in which three generations lived together for long periods of time. D. Families are adapting to demographic and social changes, but remain a strong influence over the lives of adults and children. Answer: C Midterm Review
12. What is social desirability bias? Can you give an example from class? When people give a response on surveys that they think is the socially acceptable response i.e. reporting that you have had 0 or 1 sexual partner in the last year See lecture on Love and sexuality
Number of sexual partners in past 12 months, for never- married, non cohabiting women and men, 2002 (NCHS)
Midterm Review 13. According to the lecture on Social Class and Families, which of the following statements about social class categories in the United States is FALSE? A. Members of the upper class possess great wealth and privilege. B. Most Hispanics tend to self-identify as middle-class. C. Middle-class families are those whose connection to the economy provides them with a secure, comfortable income. D. Working-class families usually have incomes that allow them to buy a small house or rent an apartment and to send their children to state or community college. Answer B is FALSE
Midterm Review 14. Which of the following statements about colonial families is true? A. Most colonial families lived in urban areas with borders, servants, and apprentices. B. Most colonial families lives on farms with borders, servants and apprentices. C. Colonial families also served as educational, social, and welfare institutions before there were hospitals and schools. D. Both B & C. Answer is D
Midterm Review 15. What are the approximate percentages of Whites, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans, and Hispanics living in the US? See Lecture on Race & Ethnicity African-American:14.5 % White:75.0 % Asian-American: 4.3 % Native American:.9 % Hispanic/Latino: 16.5 %
Midterm Review 16. What are two reasons that sociologists argue that race is socially constructed? While racial characteristics are biological in origin, the interpretation of those characteristics may vary Choice of racial characteristics that are emphasized is subjective Racial definitions varies over time –from one historic period to another Racial definitions vary across space - from one society to the next
Midterm Review 17. According to your textbook: Families can be defined as A.a relationship by blood, marriage, or affection B.a group of people whose members may cooperate economically and may care for children C.a related group who may consider their individual identities to be intimately connected to the larger group D.All of the above Answer D
Midterm Review 18. Identify two main areas that demographers study 1.Fertility – birth rates, average number of births per woman 2.Mortality – age that people die 3.Migration- what countries people move from and why 4.Marriage, divorce and cohabitation – divorce rate, age at marriage, increasing rate of cohabitation
Midterm Review 19. What racial-ethnic group has the highest percentage of children living in two-parent, intact families and why? Asian Americans Because they are more likely to be newer immigrants who are coming from a more traditional culture, and they have moved to U.S. from a country where divorce is less common, less socially acceptable
Percentage of Children under 18, by Family Type and Racial- Ethnic Group, 2001
Midterm Review 20. Social Class refers to an ordering of individuals according to their prestige, power, and privilege. Which 3 variables are used to measure social class A.Education, class, and age B.Education, occupation, and years of work experience C.Education, occupation, and income D.None of the above Answer: C
Midterm Review 21. What is the trend in the following rates, since 1980? Cohabitation rate: up Divorce rate: leveled off Women’s labor force participation rate: up Fertility rate: Down (due to the economy)
Use the previous chart to answer question 22. Which group had the lowest labor force participation rate in 1955, but the second highest in 2005? A. Single women B. Divorced women C. Married women, spouse present D. All of the above Answer C
Midterm Review 23. What is the average age at marriage for women and for men today? Women: 27 Men: 29 See and review the next chart on percentage of never married from lecture!
Chart 4: Percentage change in number of births between 1990 and 2002 by State
Midterm Review 24. Which region of the U.S experienced the largest increase in births from 1990 to 2002? A: The midwest B. The southeast C. The northeast D. The southwest Answer D
Midterm Review 25. Which of the following statements describes the state of same-sex marriage today A) Same-sex couples want the same rights & privileges as married couples B) 16 U.S. states have legalized same-sex marriage, many in the past few years C) Same-sex marriage has emerged as the right to privacy has increased for married, single and opposite-sex cohabiting couples D) All of the Above
Midterm Review 26. According to the new survey: National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB, which group is the LEAST likely to use condoms? A: cohabiting couples ages B. teenagers C. Adults in their late 40s and older who are newly single D. None of the above Answer C
27. According to your textbook: Why do we date? 1) Dating sends a message that an adolescent is reaching puberty 2) Through dating we are socialized or learn specific gender roles 3) Offers a casual opportunity for hanging out or “hooking up” D) All of the above
Midterm Review What is Professor Gager’s favorite TV show Sex & the City