NC DPI WEBINAR APRIL 15, 2013 Title III Application
USED Findings LIEP Guidance BASIC (Core) vs. Supplemental Budget Information Significant Increase of Immigrants (PRC 111) Application Review
LIEPs: A Review of the Foundational Literature instruction-ed-programs-report.pdf 4 USDE LIEP Report May 2012
General Emerging Themes High standards and challenging content Importance of having LIEP No one approach or model for all ELs Instructional practices in LIEP design and implementation Literacy and oral language development Academic language 5 USDE LIEP Report May 2012
General Emerging Themes Specific second language learning needs Teacher preparation Newcomer models at the secondary level EL’s academic content assessment data Linguistic proficiency measurement with current assessments Culture and community 6 USDE LIEP Report May 2012
Budgets Basic Supplement, Not Supplant 7 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Title I, Part A & Title III, Part A Title I Funds must supplement, and not supplant State and local funds (Section 1120A of ESEA) Title III Funds must supplement, and not supplant other Federal, State, and local funds. (Section 3115 of ESEA) 8 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Title III “A Supplemental Program to Serve English Learners” Cake – state and local funds used to provide the Core EL program Icing/Frosting – Other federal funds Sprinkles – Title III funds High Quality Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) High Quality Professional Development 9 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Developing My LEA’s Supplemental Title III Program Do all of the items on my local plan and budget narrative meet the following criteria? Are they allowable? Are they allocable? Are they reasonable and necessary to carry out grant function? Determine whether they should be included in the 2% limit as administrative costs? 10 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Supplement, Not Supplant Requirement – General The First Test of Supplanting: Required by Law The Department assumes supplanting exists if – An LEA uses Title III funds to provide services that the LEA is required to make available under State or local laws, or other Federal laws. 11 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Supplement, Not Supplant Requirement – General The Second Test of Supplanting: Prior Year The Department assumes supplanting exists if – An LEA uses Title III funds to provide services that the LEA provided in the prior year with State, local or other federal funds. This assumption can be rebutted. 12 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
To refute the “prior year” test of supplanting, the LEA would need to have contemporaneous records to confirm…. Budget cuts were made in a number of areas, not just for LEP students; and There was in fact a reduced amount of State or local funds to pay for this activity/position; and The LEA made the decisions to eliminate the position/activity without taking into consideration of Federal funds. 13 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Questions to Ask When Considering Whether Title III Funds Can be Used Without Violating the Supplement, not Supplant Requirement 1. What is the instructional program/service provided to all students? 2. What does the LEA do to meet Lau requirements? 3. What service is the LEA required by other Federal, State, and local laws or regulations to provide? 4. Was the program/service previously provided with State, local, and Federal funds? 14 USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Title III Services to Supplement LIEP ELL PreK Services [For LEP PreK students included in the Oct 1 Headcount] Additional Curriculum Support/ Activities [SIOP lessons, integrated lessons with other content areas, etc.] Additional Collaboration with content teachers [SIOP coaches, Lead teachers, etc.]
Title III Services to Supplement LIEP Additional Interventions [extra tutoring, content support in L1 or L2, newcomer services, etc.] Extended School Year or School Day [summer programs, before/after school opportunities, etc.] Supplementing schools’ role in the enrollment process and data collection for Title III Reporting [e.g., intake office.]
Title III Services to Supplement LIEP Additional Parent Training [Not provided to all parents; perhaps provided by a Title III Parent Liaison] Additional Materials [content materials in addition to content textbook, materials for additional interventions or extended schooling, etc.] Additional Training for Staff [Extra training and support for new ESL teachers, SIOP coaches, Lead teachers, etc.]
Significant Increase Immigrant Funds PRC 111 In order to receive funds, an approved Title III Application for explaining how these funds would be used to provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children [ESEA Title III Sec (e)] is required.
Immigrant Plan An approved Immigrant Plan will require assessment of immigrant student needs, identification/development of appropriate services, determination of priority for receiving the services, and identification of immigrant students who meet the priority.
Title III Application Title III Application
Resources Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular a-87: EDGAR – (See parts 76 and 80 in particular) Office for Civil Rights, ELL Resources 21
Ivanna Mann Thrower ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction NC DPI ESL Consultants