Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 1 Physics with the MIPP detector and its RICH counter Rajendran Raja Fermilab Beam MIPP experiment.


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Presentation transcript:

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 1 Physics with the MIPP detector and its RICH counter Rajendran Raja Fermilab Beam MIPP experiment »Physics »Service measurements Particle ID RICH Results from the Engineering run Upgrade plans

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 2 MIPP collaboration list Y. Fisyak Brookhaven National Laboratory R. Winston EFI, University of Chicago M.Austin,R.J.Peterson University of Colorado, Boulder, E.Swallow Elmhurst College and EFI W.Baker,D.Carey,J.Hylen, C.Johnstone,M.Kostin, H.Meyer, N.Mokhov, A.Para, R.Raja,S. Striganov Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory G. Feldman, A.Lebedev, S.Seun Harvard University P.Hanlet, O.Kamaev,D.Kaplan, H.Rubin,N.Solomey Illinois Institute of Technology U.Akgun,G.Aydin,F.Duru,Y.Gunyadin,Y.Onel, A.Penzo University of Iowa N.Graf, M. Messier,J.Paley Indiana University P.D.BarnesJr.,E.Hartouni,M.Heffner,D.Lange,R.Soltz, D.Wright Lawrence Livermore Laboratory H.R.Gustafson,M.Longo, H-K.Park, D.Rajaram University of Michigan A.Bujak, L.Gutay,D.E.Miller Purdue University T.Bergfeld,A.Godley,S.R.Mishra,C.Rosenfeld,K.Wu University of South Carolina C.Dukes, H.Lane,L.C.Lu,C.Maternick,K.Nelson,A.Norman University of Virginia

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 3 Brief Description of Experiment Approved November 2001 Situated in Meson Center 7 Uses 120GeV Main Injector Primary protons to produce secondary beams of   K  p  from 5 GeV/c to 100 GeV/c to measure particle production cross sections of various nuclei including hydrogen. Using a TPC we measure momenta of ~all charged particles produced in the interaction and identify the charged particles in the final state using a combination of dE/dx, ToF, differential Cherenkov and RICH technologies. Open Geometry- Lower systematics. TPC gives high statistics. Existing data poor quality.

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 4 Physics Interest Particle Physics-To acquire unbiased high statistics data with complete particle id coverage for hadron interactions. »Study non-perturbative QCD hadron dynamics, scaling laws of particle production »Investigate light meson spectroscopy, pentaquarks?, glueballs Nuclear Physics »Investigate strangeness production in nuclei- RHIC connection »Nuclear scaling »Propagation of flavor through nuclei Service Measurements »Atmospheric neutrinos – Cross sections of protons and pions on Nitrogen from 5 GeV- 120 GeV »Improve shower models in MARS, Geant4 »Make measurements of production of pions for neutrino factory/muon collider targets »Proton Radiography– Stockpile Stewardship- National Security »MINOS target measurements – pion production measurements to control the near/far systematics HARP at CERN went from 2-15GeV incoming pion and proton beams. MIPP will go from GeV/c for 6 beam species   K  p  M triggers. 3KHZ TPC.

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 5 MIPP Secondary Beam Installed in Delivering slow spill commissioning beam (40GeV/c positives since February 2004). Finished Engineering run in Aug 2004.

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 6 MIPP Physics Program MIPP has 4 distinct clientele for its data, which are interconnected. They are Liquid H2, D2 –non-perturbative QCD p-A, p-rad (aka SURVEY) NUMI thin and full target measurements LN2– Atmospheric neutrinos

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 7

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 8 Status of MIPP Now- Collision Hall

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 9 TPC

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 10 MIPP-TPC This Time Projection Chamber, built by the BEVALAC group at LBL for heavy ion studies currently sits in the E-910 particle production experiment at BNL, that has completed data taking. It took approximately $3million to construct. Can handle high multiplicity events. Time to drift across TPC=16  s. Electronic equivalent of bubble chamber, high acceptance, with dE/dx capabilities. Dead time 16 m s. i.e unreacted beam swept out in 8 m s. Can tolerate 10 5 particles per second going through it. Can handle data taking rate ~60Hz with current electronics. Can increase this to ~1000 Hz with an upgrade. TPC dimensions of 96 x 75 x 150 cm.

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 11 MIPP Cherenkov

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 12 Particle Identification TPC as shown can provide 3 s separation with dE/ dx up to 0.7 GeV/c for p /K and 1.1 GeV/c for K/p as well as ambiguous additional information in the relativistic rise region. In the intermediate region, we use a multi-cell Cerenkov detector. Light is collected by 96 phototubes from reflective mirrors. Filled with C4F10, the Cerenkov thresholds for p, K, p are 2.5, 7.5 and 17.5 GeV/c. Above 7.5 GeV/c, many particles will go through to the RICH counter and be identified. We use a RICH counter filled with CO 2. Threshold Ne N 2 CO 2 p K p

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 13 MIPP Particle ID

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 14 Engineering Run results Had RICH fire. Recovered from it 80% of tubes in tact. RICH is now engineered a lot more safely »Flammable tubing on tubes changed »Base soldering corrections redone where needed »HV connections made more robust »VESDA safety trips »HV trips on sparks as well as over-current »Nitrogen purge. TPC broke wires– Fixed, Anode HV fixed PWC5,6 broke wires- Fixed Drift chambers made functional– re-fused. BCKOVs auto pressure curves. Worked well ToF wall worked Calorimeters worked

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 15 Beam Chamber profiles- BC2

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 16 Preliminary results from Engineering run

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 17 MIPP RICH Inherited from SELEX (which ran with Neon at higher momenta) MIPP runs with CO2. It had 89 columns and 32 rows of phototubes. Two kind of tubes being used- »FEU-60 (made in Russia) 70 columns »R-760 Hamamtsu (Japan) 19 columns »Each column has 32 tubes total of 2848 tubes. We completely re-designed the front end electronics

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 18 MIPP RICH Selex paper Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A431:53-69,1999

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 19 MIPP RICH- CO2 characteristics Average Refractive index Average focal length cm

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 20 MIPP RICH

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 21 RICH Fire Pictures Lost 20% of the phototubes. Redesigned the Safety system Vesda, HVTrip circuit, Nitrogen purge Flame retardant sleeves

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 22 RICH HV supplies Glassman HV systems Current trip limits 3x100mA,2x140 mA. Interlocked with RICH Trips upon spark Put out 900Watts for ~3000 phototubes

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 23 RICH readout 89 Front-end Cards 3 VME Controllers 89 columns of 32 PMT's Controller sets thresholds, channel masks, and pipeline delays through serial communication line Controller receives a trigger gate, transmits it to FEB's and reads out data RICH VME controllers are readout by Motorola MVME 2434 PowerPC

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 24 VME Controller Contains TI MSP430 micro-controller for slow controls and Altera FPGA clocked at 53 MHz for data readout Capable of driving up to 31 daisy-chained front-end cards »Connections require one RJ-11 cable and one 17- pair ribbon cable VME communication is A24/D16 format

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 25 Front-end card Discrimated signal goes into a 2µs pipeline Signals in the pipeline corresponding to trigger gate (strobe) are latched Readout signal may come at any time »Boards may be strobed multiple times thus allowing multi-level trigger x20 } x3 2 Pipeline PMT signal Latch To VME controller

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 26 Front-end card Micro-controller handles slow controls, Altera FPGA handles readout Low power design: <350 mA at 5V per board, cooled convectively Discriminator threshold is linear up to 40mV in 0.04mV steps, and non-linear up to 1V »One threshold setting per channel

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 27 RICH rings pattern recognized

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 28 RICH radii for + 40 GeV beam triggers

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 29 Beam Cherenkovs Pressure curve Automated- Mini-Daq- APACS 30 minutes per pressure curve.+40GeV/c beam.

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 30 Beam Cherenkovs 40 GeV/c negative beam

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 31 Comparing Beam Cherenkov to RICH for +40 GeV beam triggers-No additional cuts!

Nov 30-Dec 5, 2004 Rajendran Raja, RICH2004, Mexico 32 Conclusions MIPP Looks forward to a productive physics run. The RICH as well as the other Cerenkov detectors form the bulk of the particle ID.