UAH Course Scheduler 9/29/2011 Status Team Pegasus: John Gleason Julie Poole Steven Boyer
John Gleason ROM Finished project schedule Finished project Risks and Concerns Finished Cost Summary SRS Finished Admin Requirements Finished Gui Conventions Finished Mass Class Import File specification Finished Computer Resource Requirements Gui Dev Began Will be using a Master Page pattern. o Master Pages will be defined for site and application pages. Custom Buttons and color schemes have been defined in the Gui Conventions Section of the SRS.
Julie Poole - Finished SRS draft Finished ROM draft Working on EVM tool for tracking Earned Value Getting outline for SDP and STP Spoken with ASTRA point of contact and am getting closer to a solution for an excel spreadsheet to implement the post- check on the scheduler
Earned Value Management Spreadsheet
Steven Boyer SRS Inserted Admin Requirements, Instructor Requirements, Student Requirements, Non-Functional Requirements, GUI Convention into document Inserted Qualification Provisions for Admin Requirements, Instructor Requirements, Student Requirements, Non- Functional Requirements, GUI Convention into document ROM Finished assigned sections to complete draft ROM
For Next Week Begin on Individual SDP and STP sections. Begin work on Demo. Get production server set up through Jason Winningham. Define more Database tables and being work on Stored Procedures.
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