Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency MIEMA Albert Falzon – MIEMA Interreg IVC Programme – Cohesion Policy , Territorial Cooperation This project is part-financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds Investing in your future
2 Malta: Energy situation (Cont …) Innovative transportation A fleet of electric water taxi Car pooling RES Plans: Land-based wind farms not an option because of proximity to residential areas Government incentives for domestic water heaters and energy efficiency (double glazing, energy efficient domestic appliances, etc) RES Plans:
3 Activities (cont…) Horizontal Activities 1. Training courses 2. Information sessions 3. Publicity of pilot initiatives Communication & Dissemination Corporate image, website Publications and promotional material Info-days, press conferences, participation in fairs awareness-raising events on specific themes technical work sessions with professional bodies consortium dissemination activities
4 Biofuels In collaboration with: Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs University of Malta University of Padova
5 Ensuring sustainability of the Agency Offering energy-related services to Government Departments and state agencies Submitted projects under the 2nd Call of the MED Programme 3 Projects approved: Enerscapes (as LP) MEDEEA Limit4WeDa 4POWER GreenITNet ECO-Regions