Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
What is SCID? Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, otherwise known as SCID. SCID is a group of very rare-and potentially fatal-inherited disorders related to the immune system. SCID makes those affected highly susceptible to life-threatening infections by viruses, bacteria and fungi.
What is SCID? Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, otherwise known as SCID. SCID is a group of very rare-and potentially fatal-inherited disorders related to the immune system. SCID makes those affected highly susceptible to life-threatening infections by viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Is SCID Inherited?
Chromosome Location? There are several types of SCID. The most common form is caused by a mutation in the SCIDX1 gene located on the X chromosome.
Chromosome Location? There are several types of SCID. The most common form is caused by a mutation in the SCIDX1 gene located on the X chromosome.
Interesting Facts! One form of SCID became the first human illness treated by human gene therapy in About 1 out of every 100,000 babies is born with SCID. SCID is sometimes called Bubble Boy disease. In the 1970s, a boy named David Vetter had to live in a plastic bubble for 12 years because of SCID.
Interesting Facts! One form of SCID became the first human illness treated by human gene therapy in About 1 out of every 100,000 babies is born with SCID. SCID is sometimes called Bubble Boy disease. In the 1970s, a boy named David Vetter had to live in a plastic bubble for 12 years because of SCID.
Citations hataregd/scid/ hataregd/scid/ IMAGES lth&lic=175&cat_id=132&article_set= lth&lic=175&cat_id=132&article_set=21836 US national library of Health