The Red House. Brief Outlook Over the past year the whole school have decided on a house system which includes one form from each year. Earlier this year.


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Presentation transcript:

The Red House

Brief Outlook Over the past year the whole school have decided on a house system which includes one form from each year. Earlier this year we were asked to choose two charities to support throughout this year and maybe even more.

Why we selected our Charity.

How did we present our ideas to our House William, our form leader, told his personal story. William is a year 8 pupil who stood in front of the whole house during our assembly and discussed some very personal issues. He did this articulately and with immense dignity. The whole room was moved. Our Deputy House Leader also had a personal story to tell about her Father’s blood cancer. Fortunately her story had a more positive ending. It was very inspiring. Our House listened and responded with compassion and understanding. It was a very proud moment for the Red House.

RED is the colour of BLOOD Anyone can get a blood cancer at any age. Around 30,000 people, from babies to grandparents, are diagnosed with blood cancer every year in the UK. Blood is synonymous with Heritage. A member of our house lost their mother to cancer and wanted to help the Hospice that provided her with love and care.

Leukemia Of the 7,600 cases of leukemia diagnosed in the UK every year, 94% are adults Childhood leukemia is the most common form of cancer in children. In 1960 when Leukemia & Lymphoma Research was founded, a child diagnosed with leukemia had almost no hope of survival. Today 9 out of 10 children survive.

Lymphoma Around 11,700 people in the UK are diagnosed with lymphoma every year. Lymphoma is challenging to treat mainly because there are so many different types (over 35) of this blood cancer. Lymphoma is the most common blood cancer in young people aged 15 to 24.

What we did. Sami, our deputy House Leader, contacted the LL society and we sold awareness badges all over the school. We had a Cake sale and coffee stand. The year sevens organised a particularly messy Chocolate fountain! We all bought Charity wrist bands. The Year 10’s organised an assault course.

We dressed up for the day in summer clothing.

Our House charity events have worked incredibly well as the whole house have been enthusiastic and passionate about raising awareness. Everybody has been behind us and supported us continuously, whether it’s a cake sale or running around the field or simply wearing your house colours to show your support.

We organised an assault course

We also decided to work together with the Purple House to encourage House Spirit.

Why we should win. We have excellent competition. The Blue house raised far more money, and we applaud them for that. As we do all the other houses for an excellent year. We chose a charity because of it’s ramifications to members of our house. Red is the colour of blood, but also the colour of love. Our charity had heart. Does one measure success via money raised, or by awareness raised? We feel like we won already, we raised awareness for our house charity!

Looking to the Future… This year we have learnt many lessons. In the future we will continue to work hard and to not only raise awareness about these charities but we will try to raise more money than we did last year. We keep in touch with our charities as they need as much help as possible and with Red house supporting them we can listen to anything that they would like us to do.