Echinodermata By Eryia & Amp
General Characteristics Spiny skin Spiny skin Internal skeleton Internal skeleton Water-vascular system Water-vascular system Deuterostomes Deuterostomes Symmetrical animals Symmetrical animals They have many small, movable extensions of the water-vascular system called tube feet. They have many small, movable extensions of the water-vascular system called tube feet.
Adaptations The echinoderm will change its body shape from bilaterally symmetrical to radically symmetrical, and in the process, settle down on the sea floor. The echinoderm will change its body shape from bilaterally symmetrical to radically symmetrical, and in the process, settle down on the sea floor. They crawl slowly along the ocean floor which allows them to move from place to place. They crawl slowly along the ocean floor which allows them to move from place to place.
3 Interesting Facts Starfish do not have blood. Starfish do not have blood. They also have “tube feet” which allows them to move. They also have “tube feet” which allows them to move. Not all starfish have 5 arms. Not all starfish have 5 arms.
CLASSIFICATION Taxonomists divide the 7,000 species of echinoderms into six classes. Here are a few………………….. Taxonomists divide the 7,000 species of echinoderms into six classes. Here are a few…………………..
Class Crinoidea Includes : sea lilies and feather stars Includes : sea lilies and feather stars In both types of crinoids, five arms extend from the body and branch to form many more arms- up to 200 in some feather star species. In both types of crinoids, five arms extend from the body and branch to form many more arms- up to 200 in some feather star species. The mouth faces up in crinoids, while in most other echinoderms the mouth faces toward the sea bottom. The mouth faces up in crinoids, while in most other echinoderms the mouth faces toward the sea bottom. Cilia on the arms transport trapped food to the crinoid’s mouth at the base of the arms. Cilia on the arms transport trapped food to the crinoid’s mouth at the base of the arms.
Class Ophiuroidea The 2,000 species of basket stars and brittle stars make up the largest echinoderm class. The 2,000 species of basket stars and brittle stars make up the largest echinoderm class. Members of this class are distinguished by their long, narrow arms, which allow them to move more quickly than other echinoderms. Members of this class are distinguished by their long, narrow arms, which allow them to move more quickly than other echinoderms. Basket stars and brittle stars live primarily on the bottom of the ocean, often beneath stones or in the crevices and holes of coral reefs. Basket stars and brittle stars live primarily on the bottom of the ocean, often beneath stones or in the crevices and holes of coral reefs.
Class Asteroidea The sea star, or starfish belong to this class. The sea star, or starfish belong to this class. They exist in a variety of colors and shapes. They exist in a variety of colors and shapes. Sea Stars are economically important because they prey on oysters, clams, and other organisms that humans use as food. Sea Stars are economically important because they prey on oysters, clams, and other organisms that humans use as food.
Crown-of-thorns starfish Kingdom: Animalia Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Echinodermata Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Asteroidea Class: Asteroidea Order: Spinulosida Order: Spinulosida Family: Acanthast Family: Acanthast Genus: Acanthaster Genus: Acanthaster Species: Planci Species: Planci
Crown-of-thorns starfish Habitat: The Great Reefs Habitat: The Great Reefs Food Source: coral polyps. Food Source: coral polyps. Size:40 mm in diameter Size:40 mm in diameter
Royal sea star Kingdom: Animalia Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Echinodermata Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Asteroidea Class: Asteroidea Order: Paxillosida Order: Paxillosida Family: Astropectinidae Family: Astropectinidae Genus: Astropecten Genus: Astropecten Species: Articulatus Species: Articulatus
Royal Sea Star Habitat: tropical coral reefs Habitat: tropical coral reefs Food Source: algae Food Source: algae Size: under ½ in. to over 3 ft. in diameter. Size: under ½ in. to over 3 ft. in diameter.
Antedon bifida Kingdom: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Class: Crinoidea Order: Order: Comatulida Family: Family: Antedonidae Genus: Genus: Antedon Species: Species: bifida
Antedon bifida Habitat: rocks, sedentary animals Habitat: rocks, sedentary animals Food Source: algae Food Source: algae Size: ½ in. to over 3 ft. in diameter. Size: ½ in. to over 3 ft. in diameter.
Is it eaten by humans ??
Yes!!!!!, they are. Humans usually stay away from them but in countries like Japan, they are eaten.
Does human pollution affect it?
Yes they are affected by the human pollution. Sewage discharge and urban runoff has been what's most affecting these starfish Yes they are affected by the human pollution. Sewage discharge and urban runoff has been what's most affecting these starfish
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Vocabulary Water-vascular system: a network of water-filled canals inside their body. Water-vascular system: a network of water-filled canals inside their body. Tube feet: small, movable extensions of the water-vascular system, which aid in movement, feeding, respiration, and excretion. Tube feet: small, movable extensions of the water-vascular system, which aid in movement, feeding, respiration, and excretion. Ossicles: an endoskeleton composed of calcium carbonate plates. Ossicles: an endoskeleton composed of calcium carbonate plates.
Resources wonders/echinoderm.html wonders/echinoderm.html wonders/echinoderm.html wonders/echinoderm.html /tp/seastarfacts.htm /tp/seastarfacts.htm /tp/seastarfacts.htm /tp/seastarfacts.htm newsid_ / stm newsid_ / stm newsid_ / stm newsid_ / stm Feldkamp, Susan, and I. Edward.Alcamo. ModernBiology.Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2002 p Feldkamp, Susan, and I. Edward.Alcamo. ModernBiology.Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2002 p accounts/pictures/Astropecten_articulatus. html accounts/pictures/Astropecten_articulatus. html