Your advisors are: Jennifer Martinson Rob Poynor and Rose Renteria (Administrative Assistant) TAY (512) M - F 8:30 am – 4:30pm Walk-ins accepted but best to schedule appointment
6 D’s of Advising Decoder (of policies and procedures) Director (to appropriate resources) Diffuser (of elevated situations) aDvocate (for students) D’a Shoulder (to cry on) D’a Reality Check
ALEKS Every CNS student enrolled in M305G, 408K, and 408C is required to obtain a minimum ALEKS placement score by the 3rd class day (August 28): 80% = M408C (Differential and Integral Calculus) 70% = M408K (Differential Calculus) 50% = M305G (Elementary Functions and Coordinate Geometry-CNS) <50% = M310T (Foundations of Mathematics) Failure to meet the minimum score for M305G, 408K, and 408C will result in automatic placement in the appropriate preparatory course.
Dual Credit & AP Exams The grade you received will not count in your UT GPA but will be recorded. Talk to advisor prior to claiming AP credit. May affect application to professional schools. May affect UT tuition rebate.
Where to go for help…. UT Learning Center Career Exploration Center University Health Services Counseling & Mental Health Natural Sciences Career Services Undergraduate Writing Center
Majors being advised…. Bachelor of Arts in Computer Sciences Bachelor of Science in Computer Sciences Turing Scholars Honors Computer Science Honors Integrated Program (BS/MS Five year degree)
What is a FIG? Satisfy degree requirements while making friends. Generally, you’ll take classes in common with a group of 20 other freshmen Form a link between your academic and social experience Ease the transition from high school to the university Find it easy to form study groups Have regular contact with peer and staff advisors Be introduced to academic resources at UT
Our Goals & Initiatives Increase awareness to women and students of color Computer Sciences Ambassadors Increase school visits Community Outreach & Service
Now it’s your turn! What do you need from us??