Sun Protection & Vitamin D Controversy Dr Jackie Dyche
Photoprotection Sunlight main factor for BCC & SCC Association of MM & burning in childhood Strict protection from UVR recommended BUT 90% of Vit D has to be formed in the skin through the action of the sun Sunlight main factor for BCC & SCC Association of MM & burning in childhood Strict protection from UVR recommended BUT 90% of Vit D has to be formed in the skin through the action of the sun
UV Light & Melanoma Body site distribution Sunnier European countries have lower mortality Diagnostic drift responsible for reported increase in cases Body site distribution Sunnier European countries have lower mortality Diagnostic drift responsible for reported increase in cases
Vitamin D deficiency Cancer: breast, colon, prostate, ovary, lymphoma Cardiovascular: MI, High BP Autoimmune: MS, Type 1 DM Infection: TB Allergy: Asthma Rheumatic disease: Rh A Bone Health All cause mortality Cancer: breast, colon, prostate, ovary, lymphoma Cardiovascular: MI, High BP Autoimmune: MS, Type 1 DM Infection: TB Allergy: Asthma Rheumatic disease: Rh A Bone Health All cause mortality
Vitamin D deficiency Definition 20-30ng/ml Widespread At risk groups: elderly, obese, photosensitive, dark skin, Definition 20-30ng/ml Widespread At risk groups: elderly, obese, photosensitive, dark skin,
Vitamin D & the Skin Maximal production with UVB Active metabolite Calcitriol - role in cell growth & cancer prevention Protective effect of less intense solar radiation can outweigh its mutagenic effect Maximal production with UVB Active metabolite Calcitriol - role in cell growth & cancer prevention Protective effect of less intense solar radiation can outweigh its mutagenic effect
Conclusions Moderation of photoprotective advice? Vitamin D supplementation in at-risk groups Moderation of photoprotective advice? Vitamin D supplementation in at-risk groups
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