Echinodermata TEAM LEEEEEEE
Number of Germ Layers Echinodermata are triploblastic 3 germ layers Class aseroidera- sea star
Symmetry Radial symmetry Evolved from bilateral Class ophiurodoiea- brittle star
Coelem Coelomates Large body cavity lined with tissue Class echinoidea- sea urchin
Digestive Tract Mouth and anus Some diffuses waste from respiratory surfaces Class echinoidea- sand dollar
Cephalization No cephalization Diffuse network of nerves and neurons around the mouth
Segmentation Not segmented Class holothuroidea- sea cucumber
Skeleton and Appendages Endoskeleton Usually have multiple of 5 appendages around center of the body (if they have appendages) Class concentricycloidea- sea daisy
Circulatory & Respiratory System Open circulatory system(blood does not travel within blood vessels) Water vascular system For movement, food, and waste transportation, and respiration Canals connecting numerous tube feet Contract muscles and force water into tube feet, causing them to extend and push against ground
Reproduction Most are separate sexes and some are hermaphrodites External fertilization Mostly sexual but can reproduce asexually Can regenerate body parts
Habitat All marine animals Live in salt water Sessile or slow moving Class crinoidea- sea lilies/feather stars