Personality Profiles Parker La/Com III
Pig Profile Your first step is to draw a pig!
Pig Profile How did you draw your pig?
Placement Toward the top of the paper means you are a positive, optimistic person. Toward the top of the paper means you are a positive, optimistic person. Toward the middle of the paper means you are a realist and tend to see things for what they are. Toward the middle of the paper means you are a realist and tend to see things for what they are. Toward the bottom of the paper means you are a pessimist and have a tendency to be negative. Toward the bottom of the paper means you are a pessimist and have a tendency to be negative.
Stance Facing left means you are traditional, friendly, and good at remembering dates (i.e. birthdays). Facing left means you are traditional, friendly, and good at remembering dates (i.e. birthdays). Facing forward means you are direct and enjoy taking the opposite side just to be contrary. Facing forward means you are direct and enjoy taking the opposite side just to be contrary. Facing right means you are innovative and active, independent, and tend to forget dates Facing right means you are innovative and active, independent, and tend to forget dates
Details Many details mean you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful Many details mean you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful Few details mean you are emotional, care little for details, and a risk taker Few details mean you are emotional, care little for details, and a risk taker
Legs Four legs showing mean you are secure and stubborn and stick to your ideals. Four legs showing mean you are secure and stubborn and stick to your ideals. Fewer than four legs means that you tend to be insecure or are going through a period of major change. Fewer than four legs means that you tend to be insecure or are going through a period of major change.
Ears Large ears mean you are a good listener…the larger the ears, the better the listener. Large ears mean you are a good listener…the larger the ears, the better the listener.
Tail A long tail means you are a loving person…the longer the tail, the more loving you are. A long tail means you are a loving person…the longer the tail, the more loving you are.
Animal/Color Profile
Order of Importance List the following animals in order of importance: TigerHorseCow SheepPig
Animal-Word Association Write down a word that comes to mind with each of the following: Dog: Cat: Rat: Sea:
Color-Person Association Write down a person that comes to mind with each of the following colors: Yellow: Red: White: Green:
Animal Analysis Each animal represents one aspect of life, and the order you put them in represents your priorities: Tiger = pride Horse = family Cow = career Sheep = love Pig = money
More Animal Analysis Each animal represents different people/things in your life, and the word you chose describes your feelings about those people/things: Dog = you Cat = your relationships Rat = your enemies Sea = your life
Color Analysis Each color represents a different feeling about the people in your life: Yellow = a true friend Red = someone you love White = your twin soul Green = someone you will never forget
Your Opinion (oral discussion) How accurate was this analysis in your opinion? What was inaccurate about this analysis?
Reflection & Response Now that you have thought about your personality traits, what makes you who you are? Is it your environment? Is it heredity? Is it a combination of both? Write a paragraph in explanation using specific examples. Now that you have thought about your personality traits, what makes you who you are? Is it your environment? Is it heredity? Is it a combination of both? Write a paragraph in explanation using specific examples.