“Nationalism” & the “Nation State” -Defends the people -Represents the people -Symbolizes the ideals of the people Nationality Territory Religion History Culture Language Belief in a common ancestry - may be the same language or different dialects of the same language A shared way of life, behavior, dress, food, ideals, view of life, choices, etc. A religion shared by most or all of the people A common past, common experiences, or belief in such a past A certain territory that belongs to the ethnic group; a concept of a “fatherland” or “motherland” Ch 24 “The Components of Nationalism” >>--- a Western Tradition™Prod’n -->> Part of the “I Love Western Tradition”® Spring Collection
Nationality Territory Religion History Culture Language Ch 24 “The Components of Nationalism” >>--- a Western Tradition™Prod’n -->> Part of the “I Love Western Tradition”® Spring Collection “Nationalism” & the “Nation State” -Defends the people -Represents the people -Symbolizes the ideals of the people
Ch 24 Sec 4 “Artistic Movements of the 19 th Century” >>--- a Western Tradition™Prod’n -->> Romanticism Realism Impressionism Description Social Conditions/Themes Some Artists Emotional approach An objective approach Use light and color to catch the fleeting moment -Common people in fight against tyranny -Idealized past, folklore -Exotic - High stakes, dramatic - Grotesque, surreal -Everyday working people & problems of Industrial Age e.g. slums, poverty, the poor, etc. -A more positive view of urban, industrial society -Rising standard of living of middle classes -Lord Byron -Beethoven -Victor Hugo -Eugene Delacroix -Emile Zola -Charles Dickens -Francois Millet -Manet -Monet -Renoir Neoclassical Patriotic & nationalist ideas of the Enlightenment Citizens have rights and responsibilities; service to the State is a duty, etc. Jacques Louis David
Ch 24 Sec 4 “Artistic Movements of the 19 th Century” >>--- a Western Tradition™Prod’n -->> Romanticism Realism Impressionism Description Social Conditions/Themes Some Artists Neoclassical