Crop Diversification - Seasonal Rice Fallow Seasons Existing Seasonal Fallow land (Hectares) Area proposed to be brought under cultivation (Hectares) Pre Kharif Fallow (April-June) Rabi Fallow (Dec- March) Grand Total
Crop-wise - cropping programme - for crop diversification in fallow land
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Pre Kharif fallow Component1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Kharif Maize, Nutri Cereals (Kaon, Foxtail etc.), Vegetable type Soyabean, etc Kharif Pulses ( Arhar, Moong, Blackgram, Rajmash, etc.) Kharif Oilseeds (Sesamum, & Groundnut)
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Pre-Kharif fallow Component1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Fodder Summer Vegetables Root and Tuber Crops Spices and Condiments Total Pre-Kharif Fallow
Compone nt 1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Rabi Maize Rabi pulses- Lentil etc.) Boro Paddy Wheat Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Rabi fallow
Component1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Rabi Oilseeds (Rape and Mustard, etc) Winter Vegetables Potato Flowers Total Rabi Fallow Total Seasonal Fallow for Crop Diversification Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Rabi fallow
Present GAP - Requirement & Production of Pulses YearRequireme nt in MT Production in MT Shortfall in MT % Shortfall Base Year ( ) 66,6226,00560,61791% ,68435,23536,44951%
Area Proposed for Pulses Cultivation
PROPOSED GOI INTERVENTION Inclusion of Tripura under NFSM-PULSES Any other Scheme may be Formulated to promote Pulses Cultivation
Present GAP - Requirement & Production of Oilseed YearRequiremen t in MT Production in MT Shortfall in MT % Shortfall Base Year ( ) 1,63,9763,4931,60, % ,79,02922,4481,56, %
Area Proposed for OilseedCultivation Area of Oilseed Cultivation Existing / base area under Oilseed( ) 4661 Oilseed in current seasonal fallow RoFR Area (Sesamum & Gnut 3000 Shifting Agriculture ( Sesamum) 2500 Total12,45114,74117,03121,600
Proposed GOI INTERVENTION Fund Earmarked for N-E States for Red Palm Oil – may be allotted for OilSeeds Crops. Any other Scheme may be Formulated to promote OilSeeds Cultivation