The People’s Agenda Priorities for the National Government emerging from 300 Parliamentary Constituencies Wada Na Todo Abhiyan 9 June 2009
2 All India People’s Manifesto Initiative for grassroots led agenda setting for the national government Local Charters developed across 300 Parliamentary Constituencies Coverage across 29 States / UTs Over 500,000 people involved All major political parties reached
3 Snapshot of Priorities - 1
4 Snapshot of Priorities - 2 Infrastructure as highest priority in 20 of the 29 states* Health & Education emerged as highest priority in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh; High priority in J&K, Assam, Andhra & Chattisgarh Livelihoods as highest priority in Gujarat Social Inclusion as key issue in Haryana, Orissa, Mahar, UP Governance related priorities high in Himachal, Mizoram,MP and Gujarat Forest & Environment concerns highest in Orissa, MP Peace & Security highest in Karnataka, Delhi, Jhk’d, Pondi * - Andhra, Arunachal, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal, J&K, Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, MP, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Pondicherry, Punjab, Sikkim, Rajasthan, TN, Tripura, Uttaranchal, UP, WB
1 - Infrastructure People’s Manifesto Safe drinking water for every settlement Household level toilets and water supply Universal access to drainage and sanitation systems Universal access to power (electrification) Connecting Roads, Public Transport & Rail Networks UPA Agenda Indira Awas Yojana targets doubled & ‘Rajiv Awas Yojana’ for slum free India in 5 years 2 nd phase of ‘Bharat Nirman’ Rural Water Supply Prog. Completed by 2011 40% rural tele-density Regulatory & legal framework for PPP Integrated Energy Policy Voluntary technical corps under JNNURM 5
2 – Health & Education People’s Manifesto National Public Health Act Right to Education Bill 9% GDP invested in public health & education Quality health & education systems for every village Separate Act for People Living with HIV-AIDS, Stronger implementation of Disabilities Act UPA Agenda Right to Education Bill enacted Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan for univ. secondary education and National Female Literacy Mission NRHM strengthened and Health insurance for all BLP families thrugh RSBY Manifesto includes: Free Education for SC/ST, Model schools at block level, Quality Health facilities at District level, NSDM 6
3 – Livelihoods & Social Security People’s Manifesto NREGA for every adult and Urban EGA SEZ Act scrapped & Land Acquisition laws amended to protect local communities Special steps to integrate & protect women, marginalized in economic sector Strengthening of Inter State Migration Act Land Rights & Asset Building programs for women & marginalized UPA Agenda Expansion of scope of works of NREGA, independent systems of monitoring & griev. redress Land Acquistn & Rehab’n Acts amended to protect farmers Title deeds under FRA distributed by end of 2009 Social Security schemes for other occupations Regulatory law for pension sector 7
5 – Agriculture & Food Security People’s Manifesto New Agricultural Policy for investment & industry status Farmer Status for women Support prices and Local Support Centres for farmers Special support program for artisans and SSIs Food security guaranteed for every family Significant expansion and monitoring of PDS, MDM and ICDS UPA Agenda National Food Security Act & systemic reform of PDS Public investment in agriculture increased and strengthening of key programs Manifesto includes: Interest Relief, Crop Insurance, Minimum Support Price and Doorstep procurement 8
6 – Social Inclusion People’s Manifesto Women’s Reservation Bill enacted on priority basis Sachar Committee Report implemented Forest Rights Act implemented Stronger National Youth Policy and political representation Social Justice Committees introduced in local government National & State Commissions for Women, SC, ST given greater mandate & resources UPA Agenda Women’s Reservation Bill 50 % reservation in LSG National Mission on Empowerment of Women Job reservation for women Equal Opportunity Commission National Voluntary Youth Corps Manifesto includes: Proportionate allocation for SC/ST Sub-Plans 9
7 – Governance (1) People’s Manifesto Public participation & monitoring mechanisms strengthened Financial & Operational details readily & regularly available in public domain Annual report of work & expenditures provided by every department UPA Agenda Public Data Policy and RTI Act amended for self-disclosure Public Services Law introduced 5 Annual Reports to the People on Ed, Hth, Empl, Env & Infra. Greater role of PRIs in BRGF and flagship programs E-governance centres, POs / Banks as nodes for schemes Timebound judicial reforms 10
7 – Governance (2) People’s Manifesto Ban on representatives involved crime, corruption, casteist / communal activities UPA Agenda Independent Evaluation Office catalysed by Planning Comm. Delivery Monitoring Unit at PMO for monitoring & public information on flagship programs & iconic projects Reporting by Minister on programs through ‘Bharat Nirman Quaterly Reports’ Targeted identification cards for BPL, NREGA job cards & FSA card 11
8 – Peace & Security People’s Manifesto Police & Judicial reforms, with focus on representation of and speedy justice for marginalized D K Basu guidelines implemented & Special Cell against discrimination created Joint Action & Investigative Agency for Regional Co- operation & Mutual Assistance in South Asia initiated UPA Agenda Modernization of police and armed forces National Counter Terrorism centre established Communal Violence Bill introduced Manifesto: Empowered NHRC 12
9 – Global Role People’s Manifesto Demonstrative role on non- violence, democracy and respect for pluralims Represent devt., trade & security interests of less powerful countries Publicize information on quantum and impact of overseas aid & devt. initiatives Proactive role in formation of global environmental policies UPA Agenda Implementation of Climate Change related Missions Oil diplomacy pursued International civil nuclear agreements made operational Priority for regional stability, peace & devt. through SAARC Stategic engagements with other countries International hub for higher education 13