Wikis 101 North View Primary School
What’s a Wiki? A wiki is a website that uses wiki software, allowing the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked Web pages, using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor, within the browser. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. The collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best-known wikis.
Why WIKI at all? HBL due to H1N1 & other pandemics LEAD allows us only 2 slots - Tuesday:12noon to 2pm and Thursday: 6pm to 8pm Online collaborative work for the digital natives - our pupils! FREE ~ for our needs, at this point of time.
What is your workflow like? BASIC TeacherPupils MS Word MS Excel MS PPT upload MS Word MS Excel MS PPT download
Powerful Collaboration Features Collaborative Page Editing Let multiple people collaborate on the same page. No need to send documents around and wait for comments -- your pages and documents can be centralized on the workspace for as many editors as you grant access to.
Powerful Collaboration Features Document management & file sharing Use PBworks's Document Management feature to share documents, spreadsheets, Powerpoints, or any kind of document imaginable -- right on your workspace.
Powerful Collaboration Features Complete history and audit trail PBworks keeps a complete audit trail of every change made to your workspace. See who changed what. Reverse any change with a couple clicks. Your PBworks allows you to maintain full accountability of your users.
Powerful Collaboration Features Easily invite others to collaborate Invite 1 or 1,000 users to your PBworks in seconds. (If you're a teacher, PBworks also features Classroom Accounts for students without addresses.) No more complicated user provisioning and no more waiting for IT. Inviting users is easy.
Powerful Collaboration Features Automatic notifications by RSS and PBworks notifies you of every edit so you can monitor changes and engage when you need to. Notifications by RSS and allow you to keep up to date, automatically.
PB Works (formerly pbWiki - peanut butter wiki, really)
Uploading Resources
PLAN first! FrontPage a) Lay out ground rules whilst using Wiki b) Direct pupils with clear instructions of Where to go & WHAT to do Other Pages a) One page per pupil, per activity, per Subject? Depends on nature of assignment - collaborative or individual? b) Further instructions can be placed in assignment pages c) Post assignment directly onto a page and get all pupils to do on same page? d) Can have other sub-pages within main-pages: Subjects,etc. Files a) Remember 2 GB Limit b) Upload softcopy of WS done on MS Word and get pupils to print & do and hand-in hardcopy? Folders a) Keeping all the files in order - according to subject, perhaps? Pages & Files Tab
Adding pupils
Examples of PBworks