Why choose Geography and Environmental Management at IGCSE?
- Many useful and interesting facts - How to read and use different kinds of maps - To use your drawing skills in making effective maps, diagrams and graphs. - How to discuss and address large scale problems (eg: global warming, poverty, pollution etc.) Whilst studying IGCSE Geography and Environmental Management you will learn: - A sense of environmental responsibility - How to carry out valuable and accurate fieldwork
What are IGCSE Geography and Environmental Management all about? It builds on the knowledge and understanding you have developed at in the Middle School Emphasis is on physical, human and environmental geography, relationships between humans and their environment. You will study some of the following topics…….
Population - Why the population of the earth is changing - The challenges posed by a changing population - The social and economic implications of population change Did you know? - Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger. - That the earth’s population is growing by 9000 people an hour At IGCSE Geography and Environmental Management you will look at:
Resources - Resources - The differences between renewable and non- renewable resources - How we produce energy - Whether the energy resources will ever run out Did you know? In IGCSE Geography you will find out about: - If everyone boiled only the water they needed to make a cup of tea instead of “filling” the kettle every time, we could save enough electricity in a year to run more than three quarters of the street lighting in this country.
Water - Where fresh water supplies come from - Why the demand for water is increasing - How we are spoiling our water supplies Did you know? - The rain that falls on you has fallen millions of times before - Every ten seconds a child on earth dies from a disease carried by dirty water. At IGCSE Geography and Environmental Management you will look at:
Tourism Tourism employs more people than any other industry in the world Did you know? At IGCSE Geography you will look at: - Why the countryside is being increasing used for recreation - The environmental and human impact that Tourism brings - The ways in which it can be managed
How will you be assessed? Your Geography IGCSE is made up of 3 Exam Papers: Changing Population, Migration, Tourism, Industry and Agriculture Paper 1 (45%) – Knowledge and Understanding – 1 hour 45 mins Paper 2 (27.5%)– Skills and Data Analysis – 1 hour and 30 mins Analysing data, Interpreting Maps and Photographs Paper 3 (27.5%) – Coursework – Normally 10 hours of class time A 2000 word project based on some Geographical Issues Paper 4 (27.5%) – Alternative to Coursework – 1 hour and 30 mins Analysiing data relating to fieldwork activities
How will you be assessed? Your Env. Man. IGCSE is made up of 3 Exam Papers: Six short compulsory questions Paper 1 (30%) – Knowledge and Understanding – 1 hour 30 mins Paper 2 (40%) – Skills and Data Analysis – 1 hour and 45 mins Two Source based questions – skills based Paper 4 (30%) – Alternative to Coursework – 1 hour and 30 mins Analysing data relating to fieldwork activities
Mar Del Plata Fieldwork Students travel in April To study; Microclimates Tourism Beach studies
If you want any further information on studying IGCSE Geography then speak to a member of the Geography team.