1 Vocabulary Grade 5 Unit 1 Week 2 Davy Crockett Saves the World
2 Content Objectives You will understand and learn the meanings of new vocabulary words. You will be able to identify and apply the vocabulary words.
3 Literacy Objectives Reading Writing Speaking Listening You will learn the vocabulary words to help you better understand the stories/passages you will be reading this week. You will be writing the word and its definition. You will also write a sentence using the word. We will talk about why each picture was chosen for the word. You will tell your partner a sentence using the word. We will answer higher-order thinking (H.O.T.S.) questions about each word. You will listen to your partner so you can repeat what your partner said. You will listen to this lesson so that you can understand the vocabulary words and be able to use and apply them in different settings, such as explaining them to your family and using them in context in your reading.
For Teachers Oral language is the foundation on which reading is built and it continues to serve this role as children develop as readers. Because vocabulary knowledge is so-closely tied to reading comprehension, students must develop a broad vocabulary base in order to be effective readers. The picture is to activate prior knowledge. A real object is much better. The word and definition is for students to be told the information. The sentence is for students to know how to use the word. The sentence disappears so students can create their own sentences. Check the students for understand the meaning and use of the word in a sentence.
For Teachers Understanding evolves from discussions and all of the students’ conversation. The conversation of all students is foundation for reading.
6 impress When you impress someone, you have a strong effect on that person.
7 impress The actor wanted to impress the audience with his strong performance. Sentence Time Your turn to use impress in a complex sentence.
8 wring When you wring something you hold onto it tightly and twist it.
9 Joe was wring the rag, so he can wash the table. Sentence Time wring Your turn to use wring in a complex sentence.
10 fireball A fireball is a very bright sphere made of hot dust, gas, and vapor particles.
11 Sentence Time fireball The sun is a giant fireball. Your turn to use fireball in a complex sentence.
12 original When something is original it has to do with the origin or beginning of something.
13 They inflated the ball to three times its original size. Sentence Time original Your turn to use original in a complex sentence.
14 commenced Commenced means started or began.
15 When the conductor raised her hands, the orchestra commenced playing. Sentence Time commenced Your turn to use commenced in a complex sentence.
16 advertisement An advertisement is a public notice that recommends a product or service.
17 A pet advertisement appeared in the paper. Sentence Time advertisement Your turn to use advertisement in a complex sentence.
18 elected When officials are elected, they are chosen by voters.
19 The President of the United States is elected every four years. Sentence Time elected Your turn to use elected in a complex sentence.
20 sauntered A person who sauntered into a room walked slowly or leisurely.
21 The family sauntered along the beach. Sentence Time sauntered Your turn to use sauntered in a complex sentence.
22 Review impress advertisement fireball original sauntered wring commenced elected
23 a burst of fire squeeze tightly so liquid is forced out began public notice that announces something like a product or service Review have a strong effect on the mind or feelings walked slowly first version chosen by voting
24 woodsman Story Words a man who lives or works in the woods
25 Halley’s comet Story Words a comet that can be seen from Earth approximately every 76 years
26 tornadoes Story Words violent storms, usually over land, that produce dark funnel-shaped columns of air
27 dozen folks farewell Support Words twelve of one type of thing a goodbye people
28 hollow Support Words strange, unusual something that is empty inside an area of land with fruit trees peculiar orchard
29 compound word plot Academic language two short words put together what happens in a story or action predicate the verb or action in a sentence
30 Academic language setting subject where a story takes place the doer of an action in a sentence vowels letters a, e, I, o, and u
31 Reflections Did you…. 31 Did you learn and understand the meanings of the vocabulary words? Can you identify and apply the vocabulary words? If you answered YES, then…
32 Celebrate
33 Tell about something you did to impress a friend. impress
34 What is a synonym for the word wring? wring
35 What images come to mind when you hear the word fireball? fireball
36 What is a synonym for the word original? original
37 What is an antonym for the word commenced? commenced
How is an advertisement different from an article? 38 advertisement
39 elected Which people in your school or community are elected leaders?
40 sauntered What is an antonym for the word sauntered?
41 Reflections Can you identify and apply the vocabulary words? If you answered YES, then… Can you….
42 Celebrate
The End