PSSA Rocco’s Review Tips
Extra Review Terms Propaganda- providing information aimed at influencing the opinions of people. Hasty-Generalization- a false generalization made by a quick assumption. Red Herring- an argument that does not address the original issue.
Extra Review Terms cont. Appeal to Fear- using fear to make someone/people do things. False Clause- an unrelated action is responsible for a certain outcome. Bandwagon- the observation that people often believe things because many other people believe the same things
Prefixes Re- back, again Un - not Mis- bad, badly De – from, down, away Dis- away, not, negative
Suffixes -Able- able to be, capable -Ous- full of, having the properties of, -Ment- an action, process -Ness- state of -Ful- filled with
10 Extra Word You Might Need Mood- a feeling the author gives the reader Tone- authors attitude toward the subject Simile- a comparison using like or as Metaphor- figure of speech which you compare 2 unrelated subjects Personification- giving human characteristics to anything non-human
10 Extra Words Might Need cont. Antonym- words with opposite meanings Synonym- words with the same meanings Irony- something that you wouldn’t expect Foreshadow- provide clues for the reader to be able to predict what might occur later in the story Flashback- shows/explains something from a characters past
My PSSA Experiance You have to get a good nights sleep. Make sure you don’t miss school or the 5 star gourmet meal that our lovely school provides every mourning of the PSSA’s. Take the test seriously and don’t leave any questions blank. It will be worth it when your not in workshop classes for your senior year and you can fully enjoy it.
PSSA Tips You have to TRY ! TRY SOME MORE KEEP TRYING Make sure your awake and ready for the test Don’t miss school Be respectful in your testing rooms
Celebrity Encouragement Bob Marley says “Jah Man, you gonna do good on ya PSSAs” Lil Wayne – “ If you do good on your PSSA you can live like me !” The End