First 11 chapters are general in nature Foundation, 1-3 Fight between good & evil, 4-11
Chapters address specifics God’s enemy identified The Lamb & the faithful fight Bitter, bloody battle
Dragon sought to devour the child, 12:1-6 Woman: faithful remnant, Mic. 4:9, 10; 5:2, 3 Child: Christ Dragon: Satan
Dragon sought to devour the child, 12:1-6 Child -Rule the nations, Isa. 11:1-4; Psa. 2:6-9 -Establish rule, Acts 2:32-36
Dragon sought to devour the child, 12:1-6 Woman flees to wilderness: church -Place of refuge, Ex. 2:15 -Place of discipline, Ex. 3:12 -1,260 days = 42 months = 3 ½ years
God’s forces fight the dragon, 12:7-12 Michael fights Satan Dragon -Deceives, Jn. 8:44 -Cast out, Jn. 12:31; 14:30
God’s forces fight the dragon, 12:7-12 Salvation now secure -Christ bound the strong man, Isa. 53:10-12; Lk. 11:21, 22 -Christ releases the bound, Heb. 2:14, 15 -Christ triumphed, Col. 2:14, 15 Saints overcame
Dragon turns on woman & offspring, 12:13-17 Satan attacked the church Church helped by God, Ex. 19:4; Isa. 40:31 Flood of destruction Devil turned on individual Christians
Satan & the beast of the sea, 13:1-10 Satanic beast, cf. 12:3 Beast of Daniel, Dan. 7:7, 8, 17, Mortally wounded, healed: Nero, Domitian Worship & believe invincible Beast rebels against God & persecutes saints Persecutors receive what they gave
Beast of the earth, 13:11-18 From the earth, cf. 12:15, 16 -Deceitful looks, cf. Mt. 7:15 -False prophet, Rev. 16:13; 19:20; 20:10
Beast of the earth, 13:11-18 False signs, cf. Acts 8:9-13 Mark of the beast! -Counter to 7:3 -Economic control -Six: number of man -Three: divine number 666 = man trying to be divine?
Lamb & 144,000, 14:1-5 Lamb: Christ 144,000 -Redeemed, 1 Pet. 1:18, 19 -Virgins, 2 Cor. 11:2 -Follow Lamb, Jn. 10:27 -Firstfruits, Jas. 1:18 -No deceit, 1 Pt. 2:22
Angels declare judgment, 14:6-13 Everlasting gospel, 1 Pet. 1:23-25 Hour of judgment -Babylon is fallen, cf. Isa. 46:10 -Consequence of sin, Col. 3:6 -No rest for the wicked Rest for the saints
The earth is harvested, 14:14-20 Son of Man on a cloud, cf. Isa. 19:1 Harvest -Righteous -Unrighteous
First 11 chapters are general in nature Foundation, 1-3 Fight between good & evil, 4-11
Chapters address specific God’s enemy identified The Lamb & the faithful fight Bitter, bloody battle