Vocabulary Words American Literature Week #9
Asylum Definition: (n) a shelter from danger or hardship Synonym: refuge, sanctuary, safety Antonym: danger, exposure
Conditional You may not apply for or keep a driver’s permit or license if you withdraw from school (if you are under age 18), have a total of 10 unexcused absences or have any conduct infractions.
Conditional Definition: (adj) qualified by reservations Synonym: provisional, restricted Antonym: unlimited, open
Conformist Definition: (n) someone who follows established standards of conduct Synonym: follower, traditionalist, sheep Antonym: rebel, radical, renegade
Haughty Definition: (adj) having or showing arrogant superiority and disdain Synonym: stuck-up, condescending Antonym: humble, unassuming
Intuitive Definition: (adj) spontaneously derived from natural tendency Synonym: instinctive, perceptive, natural Antonym: insensitive, thick-headed
Precocious Definition: (adj) characterized by exceptionally early development and maturity Synonym: bright, gifted, advanced Antonym: immature, slow
Submissive Definition: (adj) willingness to serve or submit to orders of others Synonym: obedient, meek Antonym: assertive, aggressive
Tactful Definition: (adj) having or showing a sense of what is fitting or appropriate Synonym: polite, diplomatic, careful Antonym: rude, careless, insensitive
Transient Definition: (adj) fleeting; temporary Synonym: brief, passing Antonym: permanent, stable
Wary Definition: (adj) marked by keen caution and watchful prudence Synonym: suspicious, guarded Antonym: careless, unsuspecting, naive