CHRIST PREVAILING: Transition to the Eternal State Revelation New Life Bible Fellowship March 11, 2012 Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger
II. Thousand Year (Millennial) reign of Christ 20 (Seamless narrative from Ch 19-20) A. Temporary binding of Satan 20: Duration: 1,000 yrs 2. Purpose: prevention of deceiving the nations 3. Future release: necessary for short time
II. Thousand Year (Millennial) reign of Christ 20 B. The first resurrection – of saints only 20: Function: given authority to judge 4 2. Identity: two groups a. Those seated on thrones to execute judgment b. Christian martyrs and those who resisted the beast 3. Experience: Resurrected and reign with Christ 1000 years 5
II. Thousand Year (Millennial) reign of Christ 20 B. The First Resurrection – of saints only (Continued) 4. Exception: Rest of dead not raised until end of 1000 years 5 5. Beatitude: Blessing of first resurrection participants 6 a. Exempt from second death b. Serve as Priests c. Reign with Christ 1000 years Second resurrection – of wicked at Great White Throne Judgment 20:11-15
C. Citizens of 1000 year reign 1. Christ – Sovereign ruler of world 2. Resurrected saints – rule with Christ 3. The Jewish nation which turned to their Messiah at His return Rom 11:26 and Zech 12:10-11:1 4. Gentiles not destroyed in antichrist’s army Zech 14:16 5. Nature of 1000 year reign a. Vestibule to Eternal Kingdom b. Final opportunity for humans to repent c. Coexistence of Resurrected and Mortals
3 Views of the Millennium Premillennialism Church AgeMillennium New Heaven and New Earth
3 Views of the Millennium Amillennialism Church Age = Millennium? New Heaven and New Earth = Millennium?
3 Views of the Millennium Postmillennialism Church Age Millennium New Heaven and New Earth
D. Loosing and final doom of Satan 20: Deceives and gathers nations for battle against God’s People Nations destroyed by fire from heaven 9 3. Devil cast into Lake of Fire 10
E. Great White Throne Judgment 20: Occasion: 2 nd resurrection (not stated) Basis: a. Books recording human deeds 12 b. Book of Life ~ 3. Consequences: Second death = unbelievers thrown into lake of fire ~ names not written in book of life~
LESSONS FOR LIFE: 1. Endure life’s troubles with anticipation of our ultimate heavenly blessings ~Fifth beatitude: 20:6 – First resurrection 2. Endure life’s troubles with assurance of Satan’s Eternal punishment 3. Witness motivated by certainty of Second Death