Time lens Zhengran L.B.R Tuesday, April 23, 2013
2 Outline OriginRealizationApplicationProgress
3 lens Time lens spatial temporal Origin
4 Space-Time Duality time lens: quadratic phase modulation “Space-Time Duality and the Theory of Temporal Imaging” JOQE,1994
5 Temporal-imaging Vs. Spatial-imaging
6 Temporal-imaging condition ① ②③ ④ ① ② ③ ④
8 Spatial-imaging condition
10 EO PM FWM/S/D-F/XPM Using second- order nonlinearity material Using any material including silica glass and silica Electro-optical phase modulator Realization
11 Pulse compression Time magnification Real-time Fourier transformers(Time-to- frequency conversion) Temporal cloaking Optical Sampling Tunable delay Timing-jitter reduction Application
12 “Silicon-chip-based ultrafast optical oscilloscope”nature, fs resolution
Time-to-frequency conversion using a single time lens Jose Azana Photonic Systems Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, 3480University Street,
14 Dispersion-time lens dualism
15 Analysis- First-order dispersion A dispersive medium can be described as a phase-only filter with a frequency transfer function: First-order dispersion coefficient of the medium: temporal impulse response: Filter impulse response: Fourier transforms of b(t):
16 Analysis-time lens a time lens is a phase-only modulator with a modulation function: Modulated signal: Fourier transform of the time-lens modulation function m(t):
17 Dual Fraunhofer regimes
18 Frequency-to-time conversion If the dispersion coefficient verifies the condition(temporal Fraunhofer condition):
19 Time-to-frequency conversion If this bandwidth is sufficiently narrow so that: Can be neglected So:
20 Numerical simulations FWHM:1ps ΔT: 5ps
21 Simulation results
22 Spectrum analyzer
23 “Optical time lens based on four-wave mixing on a silicon chip” OL, ps Progress
24 “Asynchronous Single -Shot Optical Sampling of High -Repetition-Rate Signals Using Temporal Magnification” OFC GHz 225GHz
25 Demonstration of temporal cloaking,nature,2012
26 Thank you!