BIL201 Methods of Bible Study Fall 2001 David F. Smith
Introductions / Cards Full Name / Preferred Name: Hometown: Address / Phone / Major / Minor Church Affiliation: Activities / Hobbies / Special Interest Sports / Musical interests / etc.
Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 1. To increase our awareness of the presuppositions which we often unknowingly bring to our study of the Bible.
Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 2. To survey the theory(s) of biblical interpretation and to understand that interpretation is dynamic and moving forward.
Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 3. To explain, demonstrate, and incorporate Inductive Bible Study (IBS) methods into our reading of the biblical text.
Text Books: (1) Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (2) David L. Thompson, Bible Study That Works (3) David R. Bauer, Biblical Resources for Ministry: A Bibliography of Works in Biblical Studies
Class Requirements: 1. Reading (20% of Grade) Thompson’s Bible Study That Works will be our primary text. Selected chapters will be assigned from Fee & Stuart. Half of your reading points will come from your outlines, the other half will come from a quiz over the material on the day the outlines are due.
Class Requirements: 2. Research Project(s) (50% of grade or 500 points total) Final Project: (200 points) Below is a list of the basic sections which will make up the final exegesis project 1. Survey 2. Observation 3. Interpretation Two (2) assignments from each category will be graded, with a value of 50 points assigned to each. (300 points)
Class Requirements: 3. Unit Exams (20% of grade or 200 points) Mid-term: Final:
Class Requirements: 4. Class Participation (10% of Grade) Class attendance will be taken regularly. Grace will be bestowed upon you for the first two (2) absences. After that, each miss will carry a penalty of 5% (50 points) off the final grade, unless excused by a doctor or the Dean.
Course Grade: Reading / Quiz20%(200 points) Projects 50%(500 points) Exams20%(200 points) Class Part10%(100 points)
Grading Scale: A C A C B D B D B-599 belowF C+