How did the Cold War come to an end?
What are we doing today? 1.To review the role of Reagan’s policies in the end of the Cold War 2.To understand the role the situation in Eastern Europe played in weakening communism 3.To understand the role of Gorbachev in changing Soviet policy
Assessing Reagan’s Success How did Thatcher support Reagan’s foreign policy? Read the end of p.160 and source D How successful was Reagan’s approach towards the USSR? Read source E and summarise your ideas
‘The improvement in Sino US relations was the main factor in promoting détente between Russia and America in the years ’ How far do you agree with this view?
Assessing part (a) Level Mark (30) Likely grade Key features 11-6U Generalisations and simple statements not focused on the Q 27-12U-D Some analysis and accurate factual material, but only an implicit focus on Q E-C Some understanding of focus of Q, but with some description / narrative and lack of factual depth C-A Analytical and well focused on Q with some evaluation of argument. Accurate factual material supports analysis A-A* Sustained analysis of arguments and interpretations with ‘mastery of essay-writing skills’
Reagan: “How am I supposed to get any place with the Russians, if they keep dying on me?” Stagnation in the Soviet Union: The problem of gerontocracy
Gerontocracy: Rule by the elderly (geriatrics). Used to describe the Soviet leadership from (Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko) Reform was badly needed in the USSR Weak leadership prevented strong decision-making
Who were the old, sick leaders? Leonid Brezhnev (led from 1964; died in 1982) – Had made agreements with Ford in SALT II, but questionable whether he understood the terms of agreements made in his old age – Poor health and confusion led to increasingly ineffective diplomacy – Often argued as marking the beginning of a period of economic stagnation that resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union Yuri Andropov (led from Nov 1982) – 69 years old – Attempted to start domestic reform / economic improvements – Half-heartedly explored negotiations to withdraw from Afghanistan – Dies of kidney failure in February 1984 Konstantin Chernenko (led from Feb 1984) – Conservative who represented desire of Politburo to avoid reforms – Did little to prevent escalation of Cold War – In office for a year before dying of emphysema
What was the situation in Eastern Europe? Pressure in many states by the 1980s Internal weaknesses Public discontent
Why was there economic discontent? Unable to match prosperity of the West Continued focus on heavy industry State controlled industries poor and inefficient Consumer goods neglected (food, clothing etc.) Impact of pollution on health Technology was rapidly outdating (slow development of PCs, video, robotics etc.) Awareness of capitalism TV reception on borders of East Germany and Czechoslovakia Living standards seen as more attractive (music, fashion, film etc.) Aware of mass consumer society Perception that Socialism had failed to provide decent living standards Very poor rates of economic growth
Why was there political discontent? Read pp and summarise the situation in each of these states. Try to show why political discontent was emerging.
Why was there ‘Gorby-mania’? How did Mikhail Gorbachev bring about change?