RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty The Rotary Club of Makati Rockwell Operational Plan RY June 28, 2012
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty The Process of Developing the Plan Planning team was convened. Met on June 3- 4 in Nalusuan Island, Cebu. Planning team tried to answer the following questions: - Where are we now? (situational analysis) - Where do we want to be? (vision) - How do we get there? (the plan)
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty … The Process of Developing the Plan Draft plan was prepared based on: - answers to the three planning questions - the District Thrusts Draft plan was presented during June 25 club meeting for comments/reactions Plan revised based on comments/suggestions
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty Situational Analysis: What did it reveal? -Presence of a core group of professionals with good grasp of development issues, project design and management, and well-connected with international organizations and national government agencies -However, professional commitments sometimes hamper more active involvement in club projects.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty … Situational Analysis (2) -Recruitment of new members with time, talent and treasure for Rotary must be given priority. In recruitment, attention must be given to the classification of new members to widen the expertise within the club. -Retention of new members must be equally given priority. -Leadership plan must be put in place.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty … Situational Analysis (3) -The Interact in Payatas 13, the club adopted community, must be an reactivated. Organizing a Rotaract and RCC should be the next challenge to accomplish. -Partnership with Tulay Lingap ni Padre Pio Foundation should continue. -The decentralized wastewater treatment project in Guiuan, Easter Samar, should be satisfactorily completed.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty The Vision of RC Makati Rockwell At the end of Rotary Year , RC Makati Rockwell shall have become a club: with a strong, committed membership with the time, treasure and talent to contribute to the attainment of the Rotary mission of service to others above self; guided by a leadership plan as manifested in its functional committees and clear succession of leadership;
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty … The Vision be a financially viable club; be a 100% Rotary Foundation sustaining member club and at least 50% of its club members are Paul Harris Fellows.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty RCMR Strategic Plan: Objective 1: Club strong in environmental management advocacy Objective 2: Club pursuing innovative social services on mother and child health care activities Objective 3: Club pursuing dynamic club membership based on multi-professional background
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY MEMBERSHIP Recruitment Development retention Diversity gender classification % 70/ % 60/ % 50/50 2 Net Gain Net membership Net retention Gender Mix Classification 1.All active members required to recruit 1 new member 2. New members oriented and given club kit 3. Recruiter serves as member of new member 4. New members serve as committee members Continued5. 5. Conduct monthly talks on membership 6. Classification talk will be required of all members 7. Club directory updated and furnished to all members 8. Club bulletin shall be continued.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY TRF Annual Giving (AFP) Participation in other programs Matching Grant/s DSG DSE $100 $100 $100 Per capita, $100 EREY 1. Conduct lecture/ orientation on TRF 2. Join District/RI recognition points 3. GSE member sponsorship/ day hosting 4. Revitalize/forge sister club partnerships.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY ADMINISTRATION Team Visit Club induction Induction of new members DG visit June 28 Aug. Q’terly Dec. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Presentation of club plan Presentation of club achievements vs. goals
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY Board Meeting Club Assembly Regular club meeting Fellowship Club bulletin Financial reports/ updates Annual dues k k k Per month Per month Per month Per month Per month Per month Per month Per year To be sponsored by b-day celebrants
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY ROTARY TRAINING EDUCATION Leadership Development and Training TBA TBA TBA Send new members, committee chairs, PE and PN to Rotary Academy Training activities. PE and PN attendance to Leadership Development Training Courses a must.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY PARTICIPATION IN DISTRICT ACTIVITIES Pre-PETS PETS DISCON DISTAS District Handover % % % 5 7 Half of registration cost to be shouldered by the Club -do- -do- -do-
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY Rotary Training Education Leadership Development and Training TBA TBA TBA Send new members, committee chairs, PE and PN to Rotary Academy Training activities. PE and PN attendance to Leadership Development Training Courses a must.
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY ENHANCE PUBLIC IMAGE AND AWARENESS Print GML Facebook e Club Newsletter At least 2 press releases a year 1 story per quarter 2 updates per month Monthly issue Publication of club activities in local newspapers Submission of stories to GML Maintaining and updating of existing club FB Sustaining e-publication of The Beacon
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY HUMANITARIAN SERVICE Maternal and child health Disease prevention Educational support cervical cancer screening project with Tulay Lingap 1 anti-TB project 6 young adults on scholarship Continue partnership with TLPP Partner with government/private anti-TB projects Provide post-secondary scholarships to underprivileged youth
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY Environment Water and Sanitation Project projects (Tree planting along SLEX; protected area conservation project in Cebu; essay-writing contest on environment themes for youth and young adults) TRF project for completion in Guiuan, Eastern Samar Partner with DENR and other environment stakeholders Multi-donor partnership
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ACTUALANNUAL GOALS REMARKS STRATEGY INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Partner Clubs RI conventions attendance GSE hosting In 2012, at least 2 local and 1 international clubs No. of club members attending RI conventions No. of GSE members hosted by club Revitalize partnership with clubs outside D3830 Increase member participation in RI Conventions Increase involvement in District Study Exchange Programs
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty Next Steps: 1. Officers/committees responsible to flesh out proposed projects/activities 2. Membership service chair to conduct a classification survey among club’s current members 3. Club President to prepare monthly calendar of club meetings/activities and district events
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty Next Steps (2): 4. Club President, with Club Secretary, to develop monthly e-bulletin for start-up dissemination in July 2010 to club members and FYI to AG and District PR team
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty RCMR OFFICERS RY President: Al Orolfo President-Elect and Vice-President 1: Ronnie Gamalinda Vice-President 2: Allan Plete Secretary: Eph Despabiladeras Treasurer: Easter Dasmarinas Auditor: Becky Gamalinda IPP: Elynn Gorra
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty CHAIRPERSONS Membership: Rolly Metin The Rotary Foundation: Easter Dasmarinas Community Service: Lyra Ystaris Vocational Service: Oscar Picazo International Service: Marilou Costello New Generation Service: Dexter Tindoc Public Relations: Cris Dancel Social Events/Fellowship: Malu del Rosario
RCM ROCKWELL DISTRICT TEAM VISIT ACCI, Palma St. corner Rockwell Drive Makati CIty Thank you!