International Baccalaureate North Battleford Comprehensive High School
Who enrolls in IB? Do you like to learn? Do you like to learn? Do you like to talk and express your opinions? Do you like to talk and express your opinions? Do you like to be organized? Do you like to be organized? Would you like to be the best you can be? Would you like to be the best you can be? Do you want to be well prepared for your future? Do you want to be well prepared for your future? Challenge yourself to be the best you can be! Join IB!
What is the International Baccalaureate Programme? The IB programme is a 2 year course of study in Grade 11 and 12, designed for students who like to learn. The IB programme is a 2 year course of study in Grade 11 and 12, designed for students who like to learn. It is based on the study of 6 different subject areas. It is based on the study of 6 different subject areas. Diploma candidates are required to: Diploma candidates are required to: Write an extended essay of 4000 words Write an extended essay of 4000 words Participate in 150 hours of community service Participate in 150 hours of community service Enroll in Theory of Knowledge - a thinking class Enroll in Theory of Knowledge - a thinking class
What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? The curriculum contains six subject groups together with a core made up of three separate parts. Three subjects are studied at higher level. Three subjects are studied at standard level. All three parts of the core—extended essay, theory of knowledge and creativity, action, service are compulsory and are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.
The International Baccalaureate Programme at N.B.C.H.S. Subjects offered at N.B.C.H.S. Subjects offered at N.B.C.H.S. Group 1 - English HL including World LiteratureGroup 1 - English HL including World Literature Group 2 - French HLGroup 2 - French HL Group 3 - History SL/HLGroup 3 - History SL/HL Group 4 - Biology SL, Chemistry HL/SL, Physics SLGroup 4 - Biology SL, Chemistry HL/SL, Physics SL Group 5 - Mathematics HL/SLGroup 5 - Mathematics HL/SL Group 6 - Theatre Arts SLGroup 6 - Theatre Arts SL Electives - Chemistry or Physics Electives - Chemistry or Physics
Marking Scheme Students receive a Saskatchewan mark (%) and an International Baccalaureate mark (0 – 7) Students receive a Saskatchewan mark (%) and an International Baccalaureate mark (0 – 7) Students receive a « boost » (0 – 7 marks) on their Saskatchewan mark to reflect the increased difficulty of work. Students receive a « boost » (0 – 7 marks) on their Saskatchewan mark to reflect the increased difficulty of work. Universities usually take the best mark of the two but usually only give credit for a 5, 6, or 7 in HL classes Universities usually take the best mark of the two but usually only give credit for a 5, 6, or 7 in HL classes
Although IB students study subject content in greater depth and delve more deeply into the philosophy of learning, their grades do not suffer Your Grades will NOT suffer in IB
What do you need to succeed in the IB Program? - A good work ethic - Time management skills - Intellectual curiosity
Why choose IB? ● Specially trained teachers ● Emphasis on process skills ● Part of a worldwide group of students ● Internationally recognized curriculum ● Positive learning environment ● Students develop good work habits to prepare for university. ● IB is the highest academic diploma programme available in the Battlefords. “Why not choose IB?”
Opportunities for IB Students ● IB banquet in June recognizing the accomplishments of all IB students! ● S.E.V.E.C. exchange to other francophone communities throughout Canada for students enrolled in French! ● Subject blogs! ● Peer support! ● Study groups!
- “The University of Saskatchewan recognizes the academic excellence of students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program”. - The U of S believes that “successful IB students will enrol at the University of Saskatchewan with some advantages over students who have taken less intensive programs” and that IB “focuses on the development of cognitive skills, therefore, students learn how to learn, how to analyse and how to reach considered conclusions. Students with these skills are better equipped to meet the demands of university-level course work”.
Why does the U of A want IB students? - The University of Alberta ranks in the top two in the country for producing leaders of tomorrow, according to Maclean's November 2003 issue. - IB students are well-prepared for the academic rigours of university life. - IB students balance extra-curricular activities and academics. Scholarships and Residence Access for IB Students “The big payoff for all your hard work! Superior academics are the focus of our scholarships and IB students make the grade. IB students are eligible for multiple scholarships, including Academic Excellence and Leadership awards. Amounts awarded can exceed $15,000! You may qualify for guaranteed housing space if you apply for the Academic Excellence award by June 15 of your Grade 11 year to get Grade 11 year. Apply early to get in the loop”!
But I'm only in Grade 9! How does this affect me? We want you to have the option of Enriched Programming in Grade 9 too! We offer 5 enriched subjects: English French Social Studies Science Math
What happens after Grade 9? Hopefully you continue in enriched classes! Grade 10 is called enriched or pre IB. Students study: English 10 IB ( 2 classes) History 10 IB ( 1 class) Math 10/20 and 30A (2 classes) French 10 Oral and 10E ( 2 classes) Science 10 and Biology 20 (2 classes) 3 spots for electives
Certificate Program Students do have the option of being certificate students by taking one or more subjects and not writing the EE, doing the CAS hours and studying TOK. University credit is granted for HL subjects only. Students receive certificates in IB classes but not the IB diploma. Why would I do this? - Problems in a certain subject area - Not interested in certain subjects - Not enough time to complete the diploma
International Baccalaureate North Battleford Comprehensive High School Allison Hawryliw IB Coordinator ext. 215