Evaluating Individuals in Team Projects Dawn Wilkins & Pam Lawhead Computer & Information Science The University of Mississippi 992ofe06 비서교육 전공 5 학기 이 은정 Dec. 5, 2001 ** This material was prepared by Dawn Wilkins & Pam Lawhead
Outline Motivation for Team Projects Data Sources Evaluation Terms Survey Techniques Conclusions
Motivation for Team Projects Can do more complex projects Improve students’ communication skills Increased retention Teamwork skills important to industry
Assumptions Not concerned with team management issues or the team process itself Belief that at least some portion of each student’s grade is based on his or her contribution to the project
Challenges in Evaluating Individuals Must gather helpful, valid and comprehensive data Must ensure that a student cannot sabotage the grade of another student based on dislike rather than the student’s work on the project
Data Sources Team deliverables –Minutes from team meetings –Written reports and oral presentations –Transcripts of and group listservs Feedback from team members Sponsor feedback, if applicable
Collecting Information Formative and/or summative Gather via hardcopy, , web- based, or face-to-face Team members evaluate: –self, individuals, whole team, sponsor Whole team evaluates: –self, sponsor Sponsor evaluates: –team, individuals
Evaluation Terms Personal Characteristics Honest Responsible Resilient Enthusiastic Displays common sense Exhibits self discipline Open-minded Tolerant of ambiguity Trustworthy Diligent Willing to take risks Driven to achieve Effective writer Tolerance for uncertainty Willing to learn Self confident Decisive Sense of humor Curious Patient
Evaluation Terms People/Team competencies Negotiating skills Willingness to cooperate Handles conflict well Does fair share Respects others Communicates effectively Communicates openly Communicates honestly Motivates others Mentors others Leadership skills Team player Empathetic Offers constructive criticism Good listening skills Participates fully Has vision Accepts criticism Availability Candid
Evaluation Terms Problem solving skills/attributes Technically competent Breadth of perspective Focuses on key issues Insight Original Analytical Decision maker Action oriented Effective planner Problem solving experience Effective organizer Stays on task Creative Adept researcher Focuses on improving product Intellectual Aggressive Attention to detail
Survey Techniques Scales Ranking Matching Sentence completion, Fill-in, Listing Short Answer Journal writing and Essay
Scales Likert-style scales are easy to use, simple and fast, but inflexible Can select categories from previous tables Possible scales (definitions helpful): –Excellent, Very Good, Acceptable, Low, Poor –Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree
Ranking Simple and effective Helpful when evaluator is hesitant to use words with negative connotation (uncooperative, irresponsible) Examples –Divide up $1000 among team members –Which two members of your team were best at making decisions? Best writers? Who would you go to for technical advice?
Matching Good when evaluators are not creative at expressing ideas, or when evaluation time is short Examples –Using Evaluation Terms provided, indicate 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses for each team member –Match teammates to job titles (Director, Doer, Watcher, Judge, Mediator, etc …)
Sentence completion & Fill-in & Listing Requires more effort on the part of the evaluator than previous Doesn’t “put words in mouth” of evaluator Examples –The three most important contributions of are ___, ___ and ___. –The strengths of are: ____
Short Answer Open-ended and flexible, but requires some thought from evaluator Examples: –The five best things this team did were... –The greatest obstacle overcome by this group was... –In the future, who in your group would you like to work with again? Why? Who would you NOT like to work with again? Why?
Journal writing & Essays Journal writing allows students to showcase successes and think through problems Helps students recall process for evaluation (possibly a postmortem team evaluation) Most importantly, gives them practice writing
Conclusions Team experiences are important Evaluation is HARD! Visit our website: