Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: Concept 1 is related to Concept 2 Hypothesis: Variable 1 (IV) is related to Variable 2 (DV) Operational Definition:


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Presentation transcript:

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: Concept 1 is related to Concept 2 Hypothesis: Variable 1 (IV) is related to Variable 2 (DV) Operational Definition: IV: Definition of Cause DV: Definition of Effect

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: Inequality and Democracy Hypothesis: Inequality (IV) adversely effects Democracy (DV). Operational Definitions: IV: (Inequality): Income Levels DV: (Democracy): Voting IV: (Inequality): Political Contributions DV: (Democracy): Representation IV: (Inequality): Racial Density of City DV: (Democracy): Rate of Government Response

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: SSM and 2004 Election Hypothesis: State bans on SSM (IV) aided Bush’s reelection (DV). Operational Definitions: IV: (SSM): States with SSM bans on the ballot DV: (Bush Reelection): Republican Voting % by state Selection Bias: Variation on DV DV: (Bush Reelect): Rep. Voting % by state with Ban DV: (Bush Reelect): Rep. Voting % by state without Ban

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: US Culture and Foreign Policy Hypothesis: A Culture of Unilateralism (IV) shapes US Foreign Policy (DV). Operational Definitions: IV: (Unilateralism): Policy/Rhetoric of White House DV: (US Foreign Policy): Number of US Allies In Iraq Selection Bias: Variation on DV DV: (US Foreign Policy): Number of US Allies In Iraq DV: (US Foreign Policy): Number of US Allies In Afghanistan

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: Gambling and Economic Development Hypothesis: Legalized Gambling (IV) will increase state revenues (DV). Operational Definitions: IV: (Gambling): Casino and Slot Machines Licenses DV: (State Revenue): Increase in State Taxes Selection Bias: Variation on DV DV: (State Revenue): Increase in State Taxes in States with Gambling DV: (State Revenue): Increase in State Taxes in States without Gambling

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: Women and Politics Hypothesis: Gender (IV) had a defining effect on Nancy Pelosi’s election as Speaker of the House of Representatives. (DV). Operational Definitions: IV: (Gender): Gender of Candidate DV: (Leadership): Likelihood Women are Elected as a Leader.

Essay Outlines: Introduction: Topic: Inequality and Democracy Question: How does Inequality affect Democracy? Thesis: (Hypothesis): Inequality (IV) adversely effects Democracy (DV). Literature Review: What have other said about the topic? Argument/Analysis: (Operational Definitions): How do you plan to test/demonstrate your argument: IV: (Inequality): Racial Density of City DV: (Democracy): Rate of Government Response

Essay Outlines: Introduction: Topic: SSM and 2004 Election Question: How did State bans on SSM impact the Bush’s reelection? Thesis: (Hypothesis): State bans on SSM (IV) aided Bush’sreelection (DV). Literature Review: What have other said about the topic? Argument/Analysis: (Operational Definitions): How do you plan to test/demonstrate your argument: IV: (SSM): States with SSM bans on the ballot DV: (Bush Reelect): Rep. Voting % by state with Ban DV: (Bush Reelect): Rep. Voting % by state without Ban

Essay Outlines: Introduction: Topic: US Culture and Foreign Policy Question: Is a Culture of Unilateralism shaping US Foreign Policy? Thesis: (Hypothesis): A Culture of Unilateralism (IV) is shapes US Foreign Policy (DV). Literature Review: What have other said about the topic? Argument/Analysis: (Operational Definitions): How do you plan to test/demonstrate your argument: IV: (Unilateralism): Policy/Rhetoric of White House DV: (US Foreign Policy): Number of US Allies In Iraq DV: (US Foreign Policy): Number of US Allies In Afghanistan

Politics of Same Sex Marriage Gary M. Segura PS: Political Science and Politics April 2005; 38, 2.

Same Sex Marriage and 2004 Election Did Kerry Lose Because of Same Sex Amendments? Bush was reelected and 11 states passed amendments banning same sex marriage.

Analysis Greg Lewis: Same sex marriage may have had an influence, but it was less than most observers claimed. Sunshine Hillygus and Todd Sheilds: Same sex marriage “played no role among independents in battleground states, and even in states where the issue was on the ballot.” …

Evolving Message Opposition to Same Sex Marriage Opposition to Same Sex Marriage initially centered on two assertions: 1) Homosexuality is Morally Inferior 2) Homosexual unions, being non-procreative are inferior Frederick Liu and Stephen Macedo The opposition has shifted to second claim and away from “overt hostility to gays.” Now the focus is on the “discussion of children and preservation of marriage.” …

Marriage and Procreation Critique of Non-Procreative Marriage: The argument is that same sex marriage will undermine heterosexual unions by decoupling marriage from procreation. This claim has two parts: 1) Natural law theorists argue that family is the central unit in society and that marriage is thus linked to procreation. 2) Removing children from marriage will undo marriages. It will weaken heterosexual adults interest in the institution.

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: SSM (Concept 1) and 2004 Election (Concept 2). Hypothesis: State bans on SSM (IV) aided Bush’s reelection (DV). Operational Definitions: IV: (SSM): States with SSM bans on the ballot (Sec of State). DV: (Bush Reelection): Bush Won/Increase Repub. Voting % by state (Exit Polls/Sec of State).

Review: Levels of Analysis Hypothesis: State bans on SSM (IV) aided Bush’s reelection (DV). Operational Definitions: IV: (SSM): States with SSM bans on the ballot (Sec of State). DV: (Bush Reelection): Bush Won/Increase Repub. Voting % in state (Exit Polls/Sec of State) Selection Bias: Variation on DV DV: (Bush Win): Increase Rep. Voting % in state DV: (Bush Loss): Decrease Rep. Voting % in state You cannot limit your analysis only to states where there was a ban on SSM and where Bush won (or the Rep % increased). You need consider the possibility that there where state where SMM passed and Bush lost or where the percentage of Republican voters did not increase.

Review: Levels of Analysis Theory: SSM and 2004 Election Hypothesis: State bans on SSM (IV) aided Bush’s reelection (DV). Rep voters are more likely turnout where SSM ban was on the ballot. Operational Definitions: IV: (SSM): States with SSM bans on the ballot (Sec of State) DV: (Bush Reelection): Voter support for Bush (polls/ surveys) Selection Bias: Variation on DV DV: (Bush Win): Voter support for Bush (polls) DV: (Bush Loss): Voter support for Bush (polls)

Essay Outlines Introduction: Topic: SSM and 2004 Election Question: How did State bans on SSM impact the Bush’s reelection? Thesis: Bans on SSM helped Bush win reelection in several key states Hypothesis: In states where bans on SSM (IV) were passed, Bush was reelection (DV). Literature Review: What have other said about the topic? Argument/Analysis: (Operational Definitions): How do you plan to test/demonstrate your argument: IV: (SSM): States with SSM bans on the ballot DV: (Bush Win): Rep. Voting % in state DV: (Bush Loss): Rep. Voting % in state

Essay Outlines Introduction: Topic: SSM and 2004 Election Question: How did State bans on SSM impact the Bush’s reelection? Thesis: (Hypothesis): State bans on SSM (IV) aided Bush’s reelection (DV). Literature Review: What have other said about the topic? Argument/Analysis: (Operational Definitions): How do you plan to test/demonstrate your argument: IV: (SSM): States with SSM bans on the ballot DV: (Bush Win): Rep. Voting % in state DV: (Bush Loss): Rep. Voting % in state