Mahfuz Ara Sultana Assistant Teacher Carmaichael College Govt. Primary School, Sadar, Rangpur Class-One Subject-English Lesson-20 Rain, rain go away Time- 45 minutes.
Rain Water that falls from the sky in separate drops. It is raining.
Go To move from one place to another. The boy is going too fast.
Come To move to or towards a person or a place. Come here.
Children A young human who is not yet an adult. Children are playing.
Play To do things for pleasure. The boy is playing football.
Want To have a desire or a wish for something The dog wants foods.
Open your book (page no :37 and read silently.
Rain, rain, go away Rain, rain, go away Little children want to play, Little children want to play,
Individual work rewrite the line in correct order Rain, rain go away. Little children want to play, Come again another day. Rain, rain go away