OSLO KRISESENTER GOALS AND PROFESSIONAL APPROACH Through a child perspective, we look at and treat the children as independent individuals with their own needs, interests and rights. Through a family perspective, we gain insight into the children's and the mothers‘ situation, their challenges and needs for support, both within and outside the family. THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILDREN IN CRISIS Inner and outer chaos Weakened confidence in the mother as a caregiver Feeling of loss Concerns about what will happen next THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER HOW TO MEET CHILDREN IN CRISIS Focus on facts and information Make sure to cover basic needs Provide an explanation for reactions Help children to cope with acute discomfort with self-help methods such as computer games, music or other activities. THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MOTHER ROLE IN A CRISIS Decreased ability to care Impaired self-esteem that affects confidence in the role as a mother Feelings of guilt towards children Fear of loss of family and network Fear of how to manage in general THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER HOW TO MEET THE MOTHER ROLE IN CRISIS We shall secure the mother on her mother role by giving constructive feedback and improve maternal care resources. THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER HOW DO WE WANT CHILDREN TO EXPERIENCE THE SHELTER A safe, predictable and meaningful time. Be seen - and met in their needs. Experience to be treated with warmth, understanding and being taken seriously Get information about what is happening, why they are here and what will happen in the future Facilitate friendships and conversations between the children THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER WHAT DOES A HEAD CONTACT PERSON DO Welcome the children and mother Conversations with children, individually and through family conversations Conversations with the mother concerning the children Establishes contact with other agencies such as schools, kindergartens, child care etc. Coordinates and calls for meetings concerning the children THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER WHAT DOES A HEAD CONTACT PERSON DO Identify and assess the children's needs Write reports and relate matters of concern Work with the child’s environment Arrange children groups and mother groups Follow-up of the family’s progress after leaving the centre THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN THE CONVERSATION WITH CHILDREN See and acknowledge the child Be available and help the child to attach meaning to what is happening Give the child time Accept the child's feelings Meet the child with genuine interest THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN THE CONVERSATION WITH CHILDREN Let the child control the process Name what one observes in an open and non judgmental way Accept the child's statements, even if it shocks you Take care of the child's dignity Confirm genuinely what you see and hear THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER CONVERSATIONS WITH CHILDREN MAY INCLUDE Conversations about the child’s experiences of violence, feelings of guilt, responsibility and give recognition of the child's experiences. Help the child to sort out and broaden experiences through family conversations THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER CONVERSATIONS WITH THE MOTHER MAY INCLUDE Identify what the child has experienced at home Give the mother an understanding of the child's reactions Information about how violence can affect the interaction and attachment between her and the child Support an open dialogue between her and the child about the violence that has occurred THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER ENVIRONMENTAL THERAPY Environmental therapy is divided into two parts: The environment section - facilitate and organize The therapy section - develop and change (Landmark and Olkowska, 2009) THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER WHAT WE EMPHASIZE IN OUR ENVIRONMENT WORK Facilitate good interaction and development Get mothers to participate in their children's activities Working with the mother and child's interaction by providing direct guidance and feedback in different situations. Build further on the mother and the child's own resources Focus on the mother-child relation with the child in the center. THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER WHAT WE EMPHASIZE IN OUR ENVIRONMENT WORK There should be staff available in the environment to reinforce the feeling of safety at the shelter. One of the most important factors for a child in crisis is security. "It's not just conversations that make people healthy, but the skills and knowledge on how to come back to everyday life." THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER FOLLOW-UP AFTER LEAVING THE SHELTER Home visits to achieve a good transitions for the children and the mother Pick up on difficulties, if needed take contact with other support services Recruitment to the services at the day centre and conversation groups for children THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER OFFERS TO CHILDREN AND MOTHERS WHO STAY AT THE SHELTER School Kindergarten Play and activities Group activities Mother group Children meetings Common meals Celebration of holidays / birthdays Summer camps Activities for the mothers THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION
OSLO KRISESENTER OFFERS FOR CHILDREN AND MOTHERS AFTER MOVING Networking groups Classes Conversations Discussion groups Practical help Legal Help Invitation to events and parties THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SECTION