Advancing Sustainable Ag Innovations Southern SARE Funding Opportunities: Producer Grants
Who is SARE? Stands for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program Authorized in the 1985 Farm Bill and is part of USDA’s NIFA program Our goal is to support farmers, researchers and educators as they explore sustainable ag practices Primary tool is grants
How SARE Works Regionally administered; we support 13 states and two territories in the Southern region Host institutions: UGA, FVSU, Kerr Center Participatory Inclusive Administrative Council sets research priorities, releases grant calls for proposals, and reviews/selects grants
Defining Sustainable Agriculture SARE’s three broad goals, known as the Pillars of Sustainability Profit over the long term Stewardship of our nation’s land, air and water Quality of life for farmers, ranchers and their communities These goals must be considered when applying for a grant.
Our Grant Opportunities Nationally, SARE has provided funding support for over 5,000 sustainable ag research projects. In the Southern region, we’ve awarded over $46 million in grants for over 800 proposals.
Producer Grants For farmers and ranchers interested in conducting on-farm sustainable agriculture research to solve farming and ranching challenges. Awards up to $10,000 for individuals, and $15,000 for farmer organizations. Can be funded for up to two years. Grants include a diverse range of topics that promote sustainable agriculture. Examples include trap crops, cover crops, multi-species grazing, innovative marketing, beneficial insects. Sample Funded Grants Season extension Trap crops for pecans Parasite control on organic dairy goats Removing bermudagrass in organic vegetables
What We Fund What We Don’t Fund Fund Cost of sampling Materials or supplies Outreach expenses Travel for the project Hired labor Refreshments for outreach Don’t Fund Buying equipment or land Starting a farm Permanent farm improvements Lunches or other full meals Testing commercial products Download the Call for Proposals to learn more:
Interested in Submitting a Proposal? Tips to Consider Farmer/Cooperator collaboration Download and READ the Call for Proposals BEFORE applying Develop clear goals Plan and prepare; don’t wait until the last minute Don’t be afraid to discuss your idea with others Ask other people to look at your proposal before submitting it. Ask Questions
Know More SARE offers more than grants Learning Center: National publications, including facts sheets, bulletins and books Regional educational resources and newsletters SARE program materials Grantee project products Videos Topic Rooms SARE listserv
To Learn More, Visit: Call: Contact your SARE state coordinator Look for us at conferences, workshops and other events