Education, Communication, Video and Training Overview Year in Review
FAST Training Overview Intro The Year in Review Communication The 5 W’s of FAST Training Training and Delivery Options
Who am I and why should you care? Background on the functional side of post secondary – I know the challenges and speak your language! I make training fun and accessible for all levels (…yep, I even speak “Faculty”!) I offer customized and targeted training courses for your end user groups I maintain video libraries for each application, plus the free How Do I web series!
A Year in Review Lots of Training! Emphasis on Finance Transition, new application start-ups, product upgrades Query and Report Builder for non-techies Power-user and administration training Train-the-Trainer Lots and lots of Training Videos – available online and on-demand!
Lessons Learned MUST INCLUDE ADMIN TRAINING Many groups have simple ongoing questions about things like Access (who can see what) and Layout – let’s be sure you are set up right from the start and understand how to manage your own application settings! Report-level admin to make sure your reports make sense for your end users!
What YOU told US! WHAT YOU SAID: You need to keep up-to-date on the latest new features You need the info to come fast and to keep it short! Training materials need to be easy to find You need to keep your staff engaged and enthusiastic HOW WE LISTENED: We introduced an e-newsletter to keep you informed! I created a new “overview” series for FAST video training We created Training Video tabs right in FAST! Onsite Training offers the best engagement with face-to-face!
WHO? new application Anyone starting up a new application new version Migrating to a new version refresher Wanting some refresher training Wanting to know if there are better ways to do everyday tasks Wanting help with custom reporting Wanting to be sure you know all the latest and greatest features!
WHAT? Custom onsite training packages Train-the-trainer delivery End-user training and hands-on practice Valuable training handout material Library of on-demand training videos Free library of “How Do I?” training videos
WHERE? Onsite Onsite is the best approach – especially when getting started 2 days minimum recommended Onsite visits are supplemented with takeaway handouts, and in- classroom training exercises Ask questions and get answers!
WHEN? Any major version upgrade Any new product installation Once a year to keep current and on top of the latest tips and tricks Significant staff turnover New policies and procedures
WHY? Because you don’t have time to do it yourselves Tons of time-saving (and stress- alleviating!) FAST features that are not being utilized to their full potential! I can make a world of difference to the enthusiasm of your staff. Because you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it!
Why me??
No really, WHY ME? Because I guarantee your staff will actually enjoy the experience, feel less stressed out about the changes and feel more excited to move forward. You need your staff onboard and I think my hands- on, user-friendly and un-intimidating approach to training is simply the best solution. Because I conduct a fun, interactive and informal class and above all, I speak PLAIN ENGLISH.
Quick Re-cap – ONSITE TRAINING Onsite Training packages available: 2 days at $4500 Additional days can be added on at a reduced rate All prep and handouts are included Travel Time is also included Expenses billed separately
VIDEO TRAINING Available on-demand by FAST application Administration Videos included with all subscriptions $2500/year/application 10% discount for 3 or more subscriptions “How Do I?” Video library included at no charge Highly responsive to new features and new content requests Available right in your FAST application Training Tab!
Come chat with me during my “Ask an Expert” time or anytime over the next 2 days! Grab a handout that explains packages and costs Sign up for a follow-up call for more info Make sure you’re signed up for our E-Newsletter!