Name: Martha Yates Job: Carding Details: You’ve got a family with seven kids. You work ten hours a day but it was even worse when it was twelve hours. Question for interviewer: What impact do you think that has on my family? Name: Holly Thornton Job: Carding Details: You are thirteen. You used to work with your mum and dad in your cottage where your parents told you what to do. Now you have a boss called Mr Thomas who hits you very hard if you get anything wrong. Question for interviewer: How do you think I feel when I’m at work? Name: Peter Scott Job: Machine supervisor Details: You are only ten years old. You have only had one year of school before your parents sent you to work in the mill. Some of your best friends are still in the school. Question for interviewer: Where do you think I’d rather be?
Name: Steven Farrow Job: Machine Maintenance Details: You keep the machines all in check. If one breaks down you have to fix it quickly. If you don’t fix it properly you get fined and you already don’t get paid much. You have a young family with three children. Question for interviewer: What impact do you think that has on my family? Name: Edward Childs Job: Labourer Details: It’s your job to carry things to and fro. You only get the heavy things mind because you’re a man. The problem is you’re getting old now and it really tires you out. If you say you can’t do it any longer you’ll be fired, so you have to keep plodding along despite your back bad. Question for interviewer: How do you think this affects my health? Name: Alex Sidney Job: Machinist Details: You used to do your own work, and you used to do quite well in your own home. You are a proud man; your chest should stick out a bit. Now you have a boss who tells you what to do. Question for interviewer: What impact do you think this has on my pride?
Name: Catherine Thorp Job: Machine Supervisor Details: You used to work under the machine in the factory making sure everything was working well. Unfortunately one day you got your arms caught in the machine. Now you have no right arm. You are a beggar on the streets now and you lost your job. Question for interviewer: How do you think I feel about factories? Name: Colin Graham Job: None Details: You spilt some dye onto some cloth one day at work. Your boss instantly fired you and sent you home. Now you can’t find a job and all your mates worked at the factory. You’re thinking of begging in the streets. Question for interviewer: What chance do you think I have of finding a wife? How do you think I feel about being fired? Name: Hannah Proctor Job: Carding Details: You and four of your children work in the mill. There is no safety equipment on the machines and you saw one young girl called Catherine get her arm taken off by the machines. You’ve worked a long time on the machines but your children aren’t used to it. Question for interviewer: How do you think I feel about my children working here? Why do you think I have them working in the mill?
People who were old, still had to do very hard physical jobs. People who were very young went to work in the mills, instead of going to school and therefore mills and factories are damaging education. There is no concern for the health and safety of the workers, one person got their arm ripped off by a machine and was then fired. People are fired for doing small things wrong. People are given massive fines for doing small things wrong. People who have families are having to work such long hours that they can’t look after their children very well.