Attitude and Job Satisfaction
Attitude A state of mind or feeling with regard to some matter Attitude - a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating an entity with some degree of favor or disfavor
ffect Physiological indicators I don’t like Verbal statements my boss. about feelings ehavioural Observed behavior I want to intentions Verbal statements transfer to about intentions another dept. ABC Model of an Attitude Component Measured by Example ognition Attitude scales I believe my Verbal statements boss plays about beliefs favorites. A C B
Formation of Attitude Attitude Direct Experience Classical Learning Social Learning Family & Pear Group Neighbourhood Economic Status Mass Communication
Cognitive Dissonance Theory Cognitive Dissonance - a state of tension that is produced when an individual experiences conflict between attitudes and behavior attitudebehavior
2-6 Moderators of the attitudes-behavior relationship Importance of the attitude Specificity of the attitude or behavior Accessibility of the attitude The existence of social pressures A person’s direct experience with the attitude
4-7 Major Job Attitudes Job Satisfaction Job Involvement Psychological Empowerment Organizational Commitment –Affective commitment –Continuance commitment –Normative commitment Perceived Organizational Support (POS) Employee Engagement Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
JOB SATISFACTION Employee-customer-profit chain model Organisational practices improve job satisfaction Job satisfaction improves customer perceptions of value through: –less employee turnover—more consistent and familiar service –improved staff motivation to serve customers – job satisfaction affects mood, which leads to positive behaviours towards customers Increased customer perceptions of value improves customer satisfaction, retention and referrals Improved customer satisfaction, retention and referrals results in higher revenue growth and profits
Determinants of Job Satisfaction 4. Supervision 5. Coworkers 6. Attitude toward work 2. Pay 3. Growth and upward mobility 1. The work itself
4-10 What Causes Job Satisfaction? The Work Itself – the strongest correlation with overall satisfaction Pay – not correlated after individual reaches a level of comfortable living –Advancement –Supervision –Coworkers
4-11 The Consequences of Dissatisfaction ExitVoice NeglectLoyalty Passive to Active Destructive to Constructive
Sample Global Job Satisfaction Items
Correlates of Job Satisfaction
What is job satisfaction and what are its implications? Organizational Citizenship Behaviour –Behaviours that represent employees’ willingness to go the extra mile in their work. Advancing organizational interests, positive attitudes and public comments. Helping behaviors that are unsolicited (volunteering, mentoring).
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