Axel Drees, Stony Brook University, Lectures at Trento June 16-20, 2008 Electromagnetic Radiation form High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions I.Lecture:Study high T and QCD in the Laboratory II.Lecture: Quark matter formation at RHIC III.Lecture:EM radiation and pioneering experiments at SPS IV.Lecture: An new era: precision measurements with NA60 V.Lecture: PHENIX at RHIC: the challenge of high energies VI.Lecture:Medium modifications of open charm production VII.Lecture:Modified meson properties: insights with low energies VIII.Lecture:The quest to detect for thermal radiation IX.Lecture: Outlook into the future (mostly RHIC) Tu We Th Fr
Axel Drees GravityGeneral Relativity Electro-weakQuantum Field Theory Strong interaction (QCD) Fundamental Forces in Nature Standard model Although we have fundamental theories for all forces we need ~20 parameters, constants of unknown origin to describe nature. Two outstanding puzzles: unseen quarks confinement broken symmetries existence of massive particles Both connected to complex structure of vacuum
Axel Drees Vacuum low resolution
Axel Drees Vacuum high resolution Vacuum is see of qq pairs (+ gg pairs +..) Vacuum expectation value for u or d quarks ~ - (230 MeV) 3 Vacuum density of u and d pairs ~ 3 fm -3
Axel Drees l Quarks and gluons carry color the charge of QCD l In nature only color neutral objects exist l Bag model: Confinement qqqbaryons qqmesons 0.8 fm Pressure of vacuum (B) compensated by internal pressure bag constant B 1/4 ~ 200 MeV
Axel Drees String Models r String with tension ~ 1 GeV/fm QCD potential: Need infinite energy to separate quarks confinement V QCD r r < r bag r > r bag r 1/r (relation to ??) 1 fm 1S 2S 3S 4S bb 1S 1P 2S cc charmonuim and bottonium states explore QCD potential
Axel Drees Chiral Symmetry l Chirality (handedness) or helicity for massless particles chirality is conserved l QCD with 3 massless quarks (flavors) symmetry q R does not couple to q L l Masses break symmetry if mass 0 q R couples to q L spin momentum spsp spsp left handed right handed left-handed right-handed
Axel Drees Masses of Quarks l spontaneous breaking of electro-weak interaction current mass of quark for u & d quarksm o u ~ m o d ~ 5 MeV s quark m o s ~ 175 MeV explicitly breaking of chiral symmetry l spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry constituent mass of quarks for u & d quarksm u ~ m d ~ 300 MeV (~1/3 m proton ) s quark m o s ~ 500 MeV spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry qq q q coupling G q couples to qq see
Axel Drees Symmetry Breaking l Spontaneously l Explicit external force V V ground state potential symmetric ground state symmetric potential symmetric symmetry broken for ground state massless Goldstone bosons here (2 flavors) massive V potential asymmetric Mass small ~ 140 MeV
Axel Drees 1) all hadrons have well defined parity chiral symmetry q R q R = q L q L expect J doublets 2)characteristic mass scale of hadrons 1 GeV mass gap to quark condensate except pseudoscaler mesons Goldstone bosons: and Consequences of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 11 1 + a 1 (1270 MeV) 1 - (770 MeV)
Axel Drees l current quark mass l generated by spontaneous symmetry breaking (Higgs mass) l contributes ~5% to the visible (our) mass Origin of Mass l constituent quark mass l ~95% generated by spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking (QCD mass)
Axel Drees Fundamental Puzzles of Hadrons l Confinement l Quarks do not exist as free particles l Large hadron masses l Free quark mass ~ 5-7 MeV l Quarks become “fat” in hadrons constituent mass ~ 330 MeV l Complex structure of hadrons l Sea quarks and anti quarks l Gluons l “spin crisis” Spin of protons not carried by quarks! These phenomena must have occurred with formation of hadrons nuclear matter p, n
Axel Drees ~ 10 s after Big Bang Hadron Synthesis strong force binds quarks and gluons in massive objects: protons, neutrons mass ~ 1 GeV/c 2 ~ 100 s after Big Bang Nucleon Synthesis strong force binds protons and neutrons bind in nuclei
Axel Drees ~ 10 s after Big Bang T ~ 200 MeV Hadron Synthesis strong force binds quarks and gluons in massive objects: protons, neutrons mass ~ 1 GeV/c 2 ~ 100 ps after Big BangT ~ GeV Electroweak Transition explicit breaking of chiral symmetry inflation Planck scale T ~ GeV End of Grand Unification
Axel Drees “Travel” Back in Time l QGP in Astrophysics early universe after ~ 10 s l possibly in neutron stars l Quest of heavy ion collisions l create QGP as transient state in heavy ion collisions l verify existence of QGP l Study properties of QGP l study QCD confinement and how hadrons get their masses neutron stars Quark Matter Hadron Resonance Gas Nuclear Matter SIS AGS SPS RHIC & LHC early universe BB T T C ~170 MeV 940 MeV MeV baryon chemical potential temperature
Axel Drees Estimating the Critical Energy Density normal nuclear matter 0 critical density: naïve estimation nucleons overlap R ~ r n nuclear matter p, n Quark-Gluon Plasma q, g density or temperature distance of two nucleons: 2 r 0 ~ 2.3 fm size of nucleon r n ~ 0.8 fm
Axel Drees Critical Temperature and Degrees of Freedom l In thermal equilibrium relation of pressure P and temperature T l Assume deconfinement at mechanical equilibrium l Internal pressure equal to vacuum pressure B = (200 MeV) 4 l Energy density in QGP at critical temperature T c Noninteracting system of 8 gluons with 2 polarizations and 2 flavor’s of quarks (m=0, s=1/2) with 3 colors
Axel Drees Critical energy C = 6 2 T C 4 critical temperature T C QCD calculations l perturbative QCD calculations applicable only for large momentum transfer small coupling l for small momentum transfer large coupling only solution numerical QCD calculations on lattice results from lattice QCD establish the QCD phase transition T C ~ MeV C ~ GeV/fm 3 jump in energy density:
Axel Drees The QCD phase transition Change of order parameter: deconfinement: Polyakov loop L ~ e -F q chiral symmetry: Quark condensate qq chiral restoration and deconfinement at same critical temperature T C ~ 170 MeV temperature deconfinement chiral symmetry restoration Polyakov loop response function chiral susceptibility different quark mass m q 165 MeV 175 MeV
Axel Drees QCD Potential from Lattice Calculations As temperature increases towards T C the QCD potential vanishes at large distances
Axel Drees Restoration of Chiral Symmetry l Temperature axis: l sharp transition at T C (similar to lattice QCD results) l baryon density axis: l smooth transition l at nuclear matter density In hot and dense matter chiral symmetry is restored model calculation (Nambu, Jona-Lasinio) approaching of chiral symmetry restoration should strongly modify hadron properties like and m
Axel Drees String Theory (AdS/CFT Correspondence) l Standard model describes all phenomena in nature, but is a disjoint framework l Forces: Gravity general relativity (classical) Electromagnetic, Weak, and Strong gauge theory (quantum) l Matter: 6 quarks, 6 leptons, plus Higgs l In string theory strings are basis of all forces l Open strings: gauge theory l Closed strings: gravity A new approach to calculate properties of the QGP m (Next slides based on talk by Makoto Natsuume at RHIC/AGS Users Meeting 2008)
Axel Drees Duality of Theories that Look Different l Tool in string theory for 10 years l Strong coupling in one theory corresponds to weak coupling in other theory l AdS/CFT duality (Anti deSitter Space/ Conformal field theory) (N=4 SYM) (in QCD)
Axel Drees Relevance for Heavy Ion Collisions l New matter formed at RHIC resembles fluid l QGP near phase boundary seems a strongly coupled plasma l Lower bound on Viscosity/Entropy from AdF/CFT duality
Axel Drees Exploring the Phase Diagram of QCD l Quark Matter: Many new phases of matter l Asymptotically free quarks & gluons l Strongly coupled plasma l Superconductors, CFL …. Experimental access to “high” T and moderate region: heavy ion collisions l Pioneered at SPS and AGS l Ongoing program at RHIC Quark Matter Hadron Resonance Gas Nuclear Matter sQGP BB T T C ~170 MeV 940 MeV MeV baryon chemical potential temperature Mostly uncharted territory Overwhelming evidence: Strongly coupled quark matter produced at RHIC Study high T and QCD in the Laboratory