Communication at work is different than communication with friends. It’s important to be able to accept criticism…don’t take it personally. It’s ok to ask someone to explain what they are saying. It’s ok to paraphrase what someone has said to make sure you understand. It’s a MUST to know how to introduce yourself and others. Your body language is vital in at work and in any situation where you want to make a good impression.
Eye Contact Posture Handshake Dress/Grooming Facial Expressions Tone of Voice/Word Selection Level of Relaxation and Stress Energy Level
1. 1.Remember their name 2. Introduce the older, more senior, more powerful person first 3. Then introduce the other person. Believe it or not, this part gets left out often!
Say it two or three times when you first meet them. “It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Jones.” Relate the person’s name to something familiar that you know you won’t forget. “…Mr. Miller…that’s the same name as my piano teacher” Develop a determination to remember. Consciously think about what they are saying and commit it to memory.
1. Make eye contact with the person you are MEETING. It will be tempting to look at the person introducing you because you already know them. 2. Extend your hand in greeting. Always use a firm handshake. 3. Make a brief comment that includes the person’s name.
In your group, make up a skit using the introduction skills you just learned in the scenario printed on your card. First, demonstrate the wrong way to use the skills you have learned. Then, demonstrate the correct way to use introduction skills. You must use the eight cues. Everyone in the group must participate. This is a daily participation grade. You have 10 minutes to plan. Activity