Overview Consciousness : State of awareness of the internal and external world. State of Awareness Knowledge of Thoughts External Environment
Sleep A state of minimal consciousness with reduced motor and sensory activity Stage 1: a few minutes (5%) Stage 2: 45 minutes (20%) Stage 3 & 4: 1 hour in first cycle (20%) REM-rapid eye movement (25%)
Sleep Cycle
Restorative Theory of Sleep Intended to regenerate your body Blood directed away from brain to muscles for repair Immune system is more active Explains dopey feeling if woken up during stage 3 and 4
Adaptive Theory of Sleep Sleep-Wake patterns are shaped by evolution Behaviors are passed down if they increase chance of survival Adaptive to sleep at night because of hunting, daylight, etc… Away from predators
Sleep Deprivation As you get older you get less sleep. More irritable, decreased reaction time, and memory loss. Increased risk of disease, type II diabetes, and obesity Sleep Debt: difference between how much sleep you get vs. need 75% adults experience daytime sleepiness and 34% interferes with everyday life.
Sleep Disorders Insomnia Sleep Apnea Narcolepsy Sleep paralysis REM sleep dx Sleep Sex Night terror Nightmares Sleep Walking Sleep Eating
Dreams An array of sensory events experienced during sleep Average person spends 6 years dreaming. Psychoanalytic Theory If you had access to id you would never sleep Dreams protect sleep Latent Content: pure id wish Manifest Content: The reported dream Activation-Synthesis Model Dreams mean nothing Brain is consolidating memories for fast retreval
Hypnosis Trancelike state in which the subject readily accepts the hypnotist’s suggestion of changes in consciousness or sensations. Not all people can focus or imagine a scenario. People do not go against their principles Posthypnotic suggestion Behavior or thinking pattern that comes out after hypnosis
Theories of Hypnosis Altered State of Consciousness Hypnosis is a distinct kind of consciousness. Role Playing You respond to the suggestion because you are expected to. Dissociation theory of hypnosis Divided consciousness from executive control system.
Meditation A mental practice that regulates attention and awareness Not tied to any religion, but can be religious. Benefits Hypertension Chronic Pain Perception of control Anxiety Depression