Have you heard the story about the apple? There is famous story about the creation of one of Newton’s law that says that he was sitting under apple tree, while reading a book when suddenly an apple fell on his head which made him think about the Universal Law of Gravitation
Isaac Newton He is one of the most the greatest mathematicians and scientist who have made a great contribution to humanity with all his invents.
He is the creator of: What we call calculus The laws of motion: 1. Any object would stay in its state unless there is any external force 2. The acceleration of an object depends on the direction of the force and the object’s mass 3. For any action there is an equal and opposite reaction
The Universal Law of Gravitation States that every object in the Universe is attracted by another one with a force directed along the line of their center. This force is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between these two objects.
In other words any object in the universe is attracted to each other and this force is due to the intensity in proportion to the product of their masses. Using the apple as an example there is an external force that attracts the apple to fall to the ground as its mass is smaller than the mass of the earth this force is call gravitation.
To describe the Law of Gravitation Newton used the following formula: Where f is= force G is= the constant of universal gravitation or also known as the Newton's constant M1 =mass of object 1 M2 =mass of object 2 And r2 is the distance between the two objects
By this invent Newton not just demonstrated his ability as a mathematician and scientist, but also helped understanding astronomic events.