ENERGY FROM WASTE : the contribution from the European cement industry Baudouin NIZET
2 Energy from waste : the contribution from the European cement industry EU objectives : Reduce emissions of CO 2 Increase energy self sufficiency / reduce imports of fossil fuels Current status : Priority for RES Electricity No objective / incentives for other thermal process with significant saving potentials
3 Energy from waste : the case of the EU cement industry Thermal substitution rate : 11 % Yearly fossil fuel savings: 3.15 Mio T coal CO 2 saving: 7.4 Mio T CO 2 + highly efficient energy recovery
4 Energy from waste : critical issues 1. CO 2 : No incentives to use biogenic wastes in cement kilns (vs green certificates for power plants/incinerators) CO 2 exemption foreseen for incinerators in CO 2 directive Need to get CO 2 exemption for waste recovered in co-combustion process (power plants, cement and lime kilns,…)
5 Energy from waste : critical issues 2. Standardization of alternative fuels ? YES ! …but according to process specificities
6 Energy from waste : critical issues 3. Improvement of EU legal framework for transborder shipment : We need one single market for alternative fuels for recovery one single definition for recovery vs disposal not Member state criterias ranging from 6 to 30 MJ/kg We favour an EU definition of energy performance criteria