Welcome 5 th Grade Curriculum Night September 11, 2012 Mrs. Oglesby Language Arts and Social Studies Ms. Horne Math and Science Mrs. Q Language Arts and Social Studies Mr. Dee Math Ms. May Science
Tonight, parents will… know and understand their role in the Parent Learning Community.know and understand their role in the Parent Learning Community. know ways they can be involved with their child’s classroom and school.know ways they can be involved with their child’s classroom and school. understand the expectations of a student at Samuel Beck Elementaryunderstand the expectations of a student at Samuel Beck Elementary
NISD Beliefs
Samuel Beck Elementary Mission Statement In partnership with the community, Beck Elementary is committed to success for all learners, ensuring a safe environment that implements rigorous, relevant curricula, and focused instruction.
5 th Grade Schedule Lunch is from 12:00 to 12:30Lunch is from 12:00 to 12:30 Conference time is from 1:50-2:45Conference time is from 1:50-2:45
Communication Planners Planners Webpages: check frequentlyWebpages: check frequently / Phone: Our contact information is on the webpage. Due to the district filter, if you do not receive a response to an within 24 hours, please call the school at / Phone: Our contact information is on the webpage. Due to the district filter, if you do not receive a response to an within 24 hours, please call the school at Changes in transportation can be ed to in transportation can be ed to
Student Agenda Expectations (Planner) Planner filled in daily by student and signed by teacherPlanner filled in daily by student and signed by teacher Student will record goals, assignments, and homeworkStudent will record goals, assignments, and homework Parent communication- Parents may note a transportation change in the plannerParent communication- Parents may note a transportation change in the planner
STUDENT ABSENCES Please notify the front office and your child’s homeroom teacher by . Front office or you can homeroom teachers directly. Please notify the front office and your child’s homeroom teacher by . Front office or you can homeroom teachers directly. Make-up work can be requested if a child has been absent for more than two days. Parents may call or the front office before 9:00 a.m. to request their child’s homework on the second day of an absence. The make-up work will be available at the front desk at 3:20 p.m. Work will not be sent home with siblings, neighbors, or friends. Make-up work can be requested if a child has been absent for more than two days. Parents may call or the front office before 9:00 a.m. to request their child’s homework on the second day of an absence. The make-up work will be available at the front desk at 3:20 p.m. Work will not be sent home with siblings, neighbors, or friends.
Organization of Student Materials 3 Ring Binder goes home nightly with planner and homework3 Ring Binder goes home nightly with planner and homework
Homework will be written in planner District Guidelines for formative and summative grades: Parent tab…“Grading Guidelines”
Grades: Communication & Access 3 week progress reports 6 week report cards Access in E-School and through NISD website. Please let Jennifer Allen, our front office receptionist, know if you need a login for HAC/Home Access Center.
Home Access Grades Online NISD provides grades online through the Home Access Center (HAC). Paper copies of progress reports and report cards can be provided for students in grades 1 – 5 upon request. Kinder students will receive a paper copy due to the format.NISD provides grades online through the Home Access Center (HAC). Paper copies of progress reports and report cards can be provided for students in grades 1 – 5 upon request. Kinder students will receive a paper copy due to the format. A letter will be sent home with each student that has the information parents need to access grades online.A letter will be sent home with each student that has the information parents need to access grades online. If you have not received this letter about the Home Access Center (HAC), please contact the front office at you have not received this letter about the Home Access Center (HAC), please contact the front office at
Teaching with Love&Logic Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices.
Language Arts Reading Workshop- During the reading workshop, students will focus on reading strategies, novel studies, independent reading, guided reading, and reading response. Writing Workshop- Students will focus on the writing process while working on expanding and supporting their writing ideas. Mrs. OglesbyMrs. Q
Social Studies Mrs. QMrs. Oglesby It’s All About United States History!!! Geography Citizenship Government History Economics Culture Technology Social studies will be incorporated into the language arts curriculum
Math We will be using an inquiry based math curriculum (Investigations & CMP)We will be using an inquiry based math curriculum (Investigations & CMP) There are five objectives in math:There are five objectives in math: 1.Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning 2.Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Reasoning 3.Geometry and Spatial Reasoning 4.Measurement 5.Probability and Statistics Homework – online Mr. Dee Ms. Horne
SCIENCE Problem-based/Inquiry Ms. HorneMs. May Areas of Study: Physical Energy Earth Systems Space Systems Life Systems
STAAR Testing Dates DateDayGradeSTAAR Test 2-AprTues4thWriting - Day 1 Tues5thMath 3-AprWed4thWriting - Day 2 Wed5thReading 22-AprTues3rdMath Tues4thMath 23-AprWed3rdReading Wed4thReading Wed5thScience 13-MayTues5thMath - Retest 14-MayWed5thReading - Retest 24-JunTues5thMath - Retest 25-JunWed5thReading - Retest
Technology in Action Student laptops and iPad cartsStudent laptops and iPad carts Electronic ChalkboardsElectronic Chalkboards Data ProjectorsData Projectors Document CamerasDocument Cameras Distance LearningDistance Learning Media CastMedia Cast CPS Receivers (think George Jetson!)CPS Receivers (think George Jetson!) EduphoriaEduphoria Home AccessHome Access
Where can you find the standards for each subject area? You can select the “t” from the a-z menu. Select the “Texas Essential of Knowledge and Skills” Select specific grade level
Volunteering Complete the PTA volunteer form available online or in the officeComplete the PTA volunteer form available online or in the office Background check / forms from office and on Beck website (background checks need to be updated yearly)Background check / forms from office and on Beck website (background checks need to be updated yearly) WATCH DOGS (Dads of Great Students) ProgramWATCH DOGS (Dads of Great Students) Program
Birthday Celebrations If parents would like to provide a treat for your child’s class in celebration of a birthday, the treat can be sent with your child, or you may bring it to the front office to be delivered to your child’s classroom. The teacher will determine the appropriate time in the afternoon for sharing the treat. We would ask that you not bring party favors. The treats must be single servings, ex. Cupcakes, cookies, etc. Also, please provide napkins for the treats.
Websites Beck WebpageBeck Webpage Select Beck Elem. from ‘ select a school’ drop down menuSelect Beck Elem. from ‘ select a school’ drop down menu Access teacher webpages / “Staff”Access teacher webpages / “Staff” Kathryn Oglesby Kelly Quaglieri Ethan Dee Margeaux Horne Haily May
Thank you so much for spending this time with us! We are looking forward to a great year. Kathryn Oglesby, Kelly Quaglieri, Ethan Dee, Margeaux Horne, and Haily May