Developing Quantitative Skills in the Classroom Sharon Browning Baylor University SERC Workshop March, 2014
Course Info Geo 1401 (disasters course) Two lecture sections taught by different faculty (200 students total per semester) Multiple lab sections taught by TA’s Lab and lecture combined for final course grade and credit, but content doesn’t always correlate Service course (non-science majors fulfilling lab course requirement)
Lab setup 10 labs, in class quizzes, and online tutoring component (The Math You Need) Group work + individual assessment Many hands-on models allow observation and direct interaction Quantitative skills reinforced throughout semester, applied to different content
Quantitative Skills Addressed Graphing/reading graphs Order of operations Rates Unit conversion
Why Use The Math You Need? Online tutorials on selected topics (graphing, rates, density, etc.) with subsequent assessment More efficient use of class time Flexibility in assessment (question choice, grading set up) Consistent instruction – course has multiple professors/TA’s Feedback from students
Part 1 – online tutorials
This module was helpful This module was difficult Example pre test Sample student questions Sample student feedback I understood how to do problems like this before TMYN Part II-assessment